Chapter Four

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In the next twenty minutes, students are pouring into the class chatting excitedly to each other. Huddled in different groups, there's a great deal of laughter. A few ones like me are just observing the environment or have their faces buried in books. I admit I'm a bit of a nerd but I do not kick start my days with a face full of intense reading. I normally sit and watch other students, take in a bit of their natural ways which I find mostly weird. Kook is fast asleep, he looks so peaceful, I wish he could just stay asleep like that. I might not fully know what he's up against but i do know it's a lot. I wouldn't make it if i were him but he's a strong one.
"You're drooling," Yaya snaps me out of my trance.
"Girl please," I say with a chuckle.
"You like him don't you?" She asks.
"Too early to tell," I say honestly.
"It's never too early or too late for the heart," I smile at her once in blue moon wisdom.
"We'll see,"
"Sure girl, you good though?" She asks.
"I'm all good, are you?"
"You know me girllll. I'm fantabulous," she says making me laugh. She always does.

Mr. Leigh, our Math teacher comes in for our first lesson of the day. I shake Kook softly, he wakes up slightly confused then realises where he is. He rubs his swollen eyes and flinches when his hand comes in contact with his bruise. I almost want to touch him but i stop myself seeing as we're in class. Unnecessary attention is what he doesn't need right now.
"Alright class, let's get started. First off, submit yesterday's homework. If you did not write, I'd have to detain you," he says casually. There's a lot of shuffling as students start fishing out their homework papers. I look at Kook and he has a sad look on his face, clear indication that he either forgot about his homework or was in too much pain to write it. I take out the two printed copies and hand him the one with his name. He looks at me clearly surprised, I squeeze his hand softly and give him a small smile which he returns almost immediately. We submit the assignment and get started on today's Calculus torture. The fun kind though.

The days goes by slowly, over at lunch we just eat in silence. Well, Kook was quiet. As for me, Yaya wouldn't let me be, she was busy cracking my ribs as always. We disperse after lunch, Kook and Yaya heading to the lab for their physics lesson. I have no lessons so I decide to go to the library. It takes ages for the bell to ring, I honestly just wasn't feeling too fine with  him being out of my sight. For the first time in my life, I am caring about someone else apart from my parents and it feels good. It's confusing at times but I will catch on as we go. Hopefully.

I'm back in the hallway waiting for Kook. I see Yaya walk towards me.
"Where's Kook?" I ask her.
"Swimming pool changing room. Brendan told him you wanted to meet him there, I wonder why you're here" she says casually. Meanwhile, I'm panicking. She can be so slow at times, it annoys me.
"I didn't-," realisation hits me and I bolt down the hallway towards the changing room, "No, God please no," I silently pray still running.
I kick the door open. I hear noises coming from a far end corner. I run towards the noise and I stop breathing. My whole body feels weak, pain embracing my heart. Five guys beating the life out of Jungkook who's curled up in a ball on the floor.
"Please...stop...please," he's whispering slowly clutching his stomach.
"Greg! Stop!" I yell and they immediately stop. I am more than angry. I could kill someone right here. Right now. I walk towards them and grab Greg's collar. He thinks I'm playing till I punch him square in the jaw. Before he can react I punch him again. And again. And again. And again. I'm about to strike again when I'm held back. His 'bodyguards' are restraining me.
"I'm coming for you Calloway! Oh you're so dead!" He seethes close to my face blood seeping from his lip that just I busted.
"I'm not afraid of you! You hurt him, you face me. You are just pathetic! Let go of me!" They do let me go and start walking away.
"You've started a war Calloway," he turns and says.
"Oh I'm shaking. Get out of this place, you don't have the balls to fight your battles alone so you bring your dumb ass friends to do it for you. Just go," I say. Soon as I hear the door close, I get on my knees and shake a half-conscious Kookie. I sit on the floor taking him onto my lap, he's been hurt. So bad.

I reach for my bag and clean the blood on his mouth using wipes. I take two pain killers, dissolve them in left over sprite then force the liquid down his throat. His breathing is uneven, its like he's struggling to breathe. He passes out and I just sit there rocking him. Why can't the world just give him a little bit of peace? Hasn't he suffered enough? How much more of this pain does he have to endure? I watch him sleep for close to an hour and thirty minutes. It's slowly getting darker outside but it's the least of my worries. My parents will understand, that much I know. What worries me is if his father will, the last thing I wanna do is get him into trouble.

He shifts slowly in my lap waking up. He gets up groaning but manages to sit up anyways. He is clutching his rib I'm sure that's where the pain is intense. Unconsciously, I put my open palm on top of his hand. He's a little taken back by the action but doesn't show any signs of wanting me to let go.
"Hey, are you okay?" I ask. He just nods.
"W-what time is it?" He asks, his voice hoarse and dry.
"5:30pm," I say. Soon as I do, he is on his feet as if he wasn't in pain just now. The look on his face unmistakable. Fear. It's written on his face in big bold letters.
"," he runs his hands through his hair, "I have to go." That's all he says before grabbing his back pack and surprisingly running out of the room. Wasn't he-? But I'm not the one to just let things go so I get up and run after him. He is almost home when I finally catch up with him.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"Nothing," he says.
"You're lying, I know you're lying,"
"Don't act like you know me so much, cause you don't!" He snaps taking me by surprise.
"I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry they hit you," I say.
"It's not about those damned school bullies! I'm used to them, I've had worse at my previous school!"
"Why are you angry at me?" I whisper.
"Cause you're making things worse! First off, your boyfriend and his friends beat me up saying I should stay away from you!"
"What? He's not my boyfriend, I swear,"
"Because of him, I'm here going home late. Don't you understand? I am dead!" He yelled.
"Kookie please-,"
"Since you like tending to my wounds so much, you will do that till you've done enough. Cause I'm dying tonight," he says tears welling in his own eyes. My heart clenches painfully tight in my chest, its the worst pain I've ever felt.
"Please just stay away from me. Whatever made you think you know me, was fictional. You need to stop being Mother Theresa. Mind your own life, stay in your fucking perfect lane. Stay. Away. From. Me," he says walking away leaving me dumbfounded but mostly hurt. Why would he push me away? I want to run after him but I can't. Everything hurts. Tears fall down my face and I just wish Greg didn't even exist. I'm not his girlfriend. Why would he beat up Kookie because of me?

He doesn't deserve to be alone. I watch him walk away and I cry even harder. What have I done?

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