The Injection

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Lotor's POV

"I have Lance do you have the serum ready?," I say to Acxa over coms. "Yep I got it also why do we have to do this again?," She asks. "Because Lance has the blood type that can handle this serum," I said firmly. "Yes sir," She said.

At Lotor's ship

Still Lotor's POV

I walk in with a sleeping Lance and I put him down. "Inject it now," I say. Acxa did as I said and Lance started to shake and sweat and started to forming very floofy galra ears, a galra tail, the whiteness of his eyes turns light yellow, had the legs of a galra, (👀 don't ask please) and had a little snout like once of those fluffy human on all fours on Earth(a dog) he also had blue marks form from his neck to his feet. He stop shaking and sweating and woke up groaning. "Ugh what happened," he asks. "Hello Lance," I said and Lance looked up and saw me. "What did you do to me, Lotor!," He yelled. "Well your know half galra," I said chuckling nervously. He looked down and paused and asked," Why did you do this to me?" "Well the serum that we injected in you was getting to unstable without a host and once in a host the host turns into a half galra but the serum needed a certain blood type and well you were the only one that match," I said. He sighed and got up but falled and Acxa caught him and said," You okay darlin?" "Yeah just stiff," he said,"so why did you create this serum?" "Well we are planning to take down my father and this serum is the only thing that can stop him but it can't really kill him, I said. He nodded and said,"Okay I'll join you but do I need to train so I can take him down." I nod and said," you will be given multiple training sequences to help you body become strong, fast, intelligent, and flexible. You first day of training is tomorrow so get some rest." He nods and I send Acxa to help him find his room.

9 days later

Lance's POV

I'm running through the hallways on one of the galra ships and enter a prison cell and see multiple aliens and a human he looked like Pidge's father. "Hello don't be scared Im trying to help you," I say and Pidge's father says firmly," Why should we trust you." "Im apart of a small alliance that is trying to stop the galra," I said. "I believe you where are we going?," He asked. "To my ship follow me," I say and walk out the cell and run down the hall but I run into 2 members The Blade of Marmora. One of them tackled me and knocked me out.

Keith's POV

I see a person with the prisoners and tackle them and knock them out and I see that they are a galra and I look at the prisoners and say," Are you okay?" I then see someone who looked like Pidge's father and he said," He was trying to rescue us who are you?" "Im apart of The Blade of Marmora and why was he trying to rescue you he's Galra," I asked. He then said," He said he was apart of a small alliance that is trying to take down Zarkon." I look at the male and look up and look at Antok and say," Lets bring him to Allura, Shiro, and the others." He nods and get ready to leave.

In the castle

Keith's POV

I carry in the Galra male and put him down on a table. Allura asked me while yelling,"WHY IS THERE A GALRA ON HERE!" I replied,"One of the prisoners that we rescued said that the galra was rescuing them and the galra was apart of a small alliance trying to take down Zarkon." Allura was surprised but said,"can you take the mask to see who this person is?" I said," No the mask is attached to the school I think it disappears with the galra wants it to or when the the power goes out." Just then was a beep it only beeped twice. We thought it was gonna blow up but it didn't. And we sighed just then Shiro, Hunk, Pidge came in. I waved at them and they waved back. Shiro then said," So who is he?" "We dont know," Allura said," Pidge do you think you cane get the suit off him?" Pidge nodded and got to work.

Few hours later

Lance's POV

I wake up with a splitting headache and tried to get up I noticed I was tied down thankfully I still had my suit on. I moved my tail to try and grab something to get me out but I felt someone squeeze my tail to stop me and I yelped. I look over and see Keith. He looks a lot more hott- TALLER not hotter god.
He then asking me a question," Who are you?" I say in my voice that was a bit deeper,"Im a member of the Crimson Anarchy." He looks at me and says,"Remove your mask now." I say,"No" and he slaps me. "Do it now or I will stab you," He said. I look around to see Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, and Allura and I gulp. I touch the control panel and they were confused and I used my electrical powers to release myself once the restraints disappeared I jump off the table and ran out the room.

To be continued
Words counted: 943

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