1." No matter how many people criticize you, the best revenge is to prove that they are wrong"
2. "Don't call a girl a flirt, she's just trying to be nice. Don't call a girl obsessed when she's just in love."
3. "Enjoy life, it has an expiration date."
4. "Never live life in fear of death."
5. "No one can touch our fans except us. Sorry we get jealous easily."
6. "Just because you don't have a prince doesn't mean that your not a princess."
7. "No matter how hard life gets never lose hope."
8. "This is for the girls who have the tendency to stay up at night listening to music that reminds them of their current situation. Who hide their fears, hurt, pain and tears under smiles, laughs, and giggles in a daily basis. The girls who stay up all night thinking about that one boy and hoping he'll notice her one day. The girls who take life as it comes, to the girls who are hoping it will get better somewhere down the road. For girls who love with all their hearts although it always gets broken. To girls who think it's over. To real girls, to all girls: you are beautiful."