Are you the Uber driver?

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He had texted her that he was just about to kick out his brother and send him off to LAX back to New York, then he'd be by himself and all hers if she'd want to come over. He sent her his address once more, just to be sure. Her heart was beating heavily in her chest as she pulled up in front of his house. What she was planning was such a cliché... at the same time, she had never done anything like this before in real life.

She got out of her car, balancing on the highest and thinnest stiletto heels she could find in her closet, a trench coat wrapped tightly around herself. Under it, she wore nothing but an ensemble of sexy lingerie, made from fiery red lace, so see-through she might as well have worn nothing, and a garter belt with delicate stockings. She had no idea when she had worn this the last time, probably not even for Fred, she couldn't even remember who she had bought it for originally. Or whether it had been for anyone in particular. She probably got it around her ‚Swingtown' times, just in case, should she ever come across a man who was worthy of this kind of packaging on her. And now she had the feeling that she finally had.

She rang the doorbell, and when he opened the door, she opened her coat to present to him what was underneath. With the most seductive timbre in her voice she greeted him. „Hi, honey. Did you miss me?" ... was what she had planned to say before the words got stuck in her throat.

It only took her about a split seconds to realize that the man in front of her was not Jordane. She tightly wrapped her coat back around herself in shock and double checked the number outside of the house. Who the fuck was this?? Was this the right address?

Donovan was just as shocked as she was and almost choked on his own breath when he saw an almost naked woman standing in the door presenting herself to him almost shamelessly.

„Oh gosh... are... are you the Uber driver??"

She now saw Jordane take a curious peek through the hallway behind him, his eyes widening instantly. „Lana! Oh God, come in!" He walked over to her, took her hand and pulled her into the house, her legs were still shaking. „I'm so sorry about this... this is Donovan, my brother. Donovan, this is... Lana, the woman I've told you about."

„I figured... by now. That makes way more sense than her being my Uber driver. You should see what she has under that coat. You really missed out on that just now, but you are one lucky bastard, my brother."

Jordane stood in front of her almost protectively, guarding her from any further sexist comments that may come her way. „I know. And... you have to leave now."

„But my Uber..."

„... will be here any second, I'm sure. Thing is, if there's an almost naked lady standing in front of my door, it's time for you to leave, alright? It's the law. We'll talk later, have a safe flight home."

With that he pushed him and his luggage out the door, and then they were alone.

Lana was standing in the middle of the living room, her hands covering her mouth, still in shock. „Oh my God... oh my God... I... that was your brother? The first time I'm meeting your family and he saw me naked??"

He smiled. „Well, I don't know. I'm still the only one here who has no idea what you got under that coat. I'm so, so sorry that he was still here, I've been trying to get rid of him for the past hour." He walked over to her, gently cupped her face between his hands and asked softly: „Can I see?"

She had to smile despite the sheer horror of what had just happened, opened her coat and let if fall off her shoulders and to the floor. Her smile broadened when she could see and hear him gasp and hold his breath for a moment. Almost unnoticeable, but it was there. So her little plan did have the intended effect in the end, at least.

He put his arms around her, gently pulled her closer and began to softly sway back and forth. It was only now that she noticed the soft jazz music playing in the background. He was dancing with her. She smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder. They must have been a curious sight for anybody watching. Him in his jeans and sweater, she, still wearing those neck-breakingly high heels, almost the same height as him, wearing her lace underwear and stockings, slowly dancing to ‚Summertime'. He gently ran his fingertips up and down her spine when she lifted her head and looked at him. „You're remarkable, you know that?"
„And why is that?", he asked with a smile.

„My initial plan was to walk in here wearing that outfit, sit you down on that couch, pull down your pants and blow you. Or that once you saw me, you'd instantly throw me against the wall and take me from behind or something. But here you are... dancing with me, smiling, giving me just the sweetest, romantic moment, no hurry at all."

He chuckled softly. „Well, what can I say. The night is young. I won't throw you anywhere though, you're much too precious for that", he brought his lips next to her ear and whispered, „Unless you really want me to."

She felt a shiver running down her spine, ending in a tingling sensation that started to build up in her belly. „I do... actually."

He nodded and kissed her neck, then he heard a whistle from the kitchen. „I will. Later. But first... tea?"
She laughed and nodded, then sat down on the couch and crossed her legs, not an easy feat finding a comfortable enough sitting position with those heels stuck to her feet. His phone was lying in front of her on the table, when it lit up with an incoming message, she couldn't help but look. She had made this mistake so many times before, and she knew all too well that little good could ever come from this, but she did it anyway, and even though what she saw came with no surprise to her, it hurt, at least a little bit.

Keisha – now

Hey hon, thanks for the fun day! Loved seeing you again, I missed you. Take care & hope to see you soon 😘

Jordane joined her on the couch with two cups of tea and just managed to catch a glimpse of his display going dark again. He took his phone, saw the message he had just received, and put it back down. He took one look at her and immediately knew that she had seen it. „It's nothing", he said, „Keisha is a friend of mine from Atlanta, we used to date in high school and had a thing afterwards here and there, but... we were with a whole group of people today, including my brother, nothing happened."

Lana put on a brave face and interrupted him by putting her hand on thigh. „Jordane, it's okay. You don't have to excuse or justify yourself. What you're doing when we're not together, and with whom, is none of my business. I don't care and I don't want to know. Just... be aware that we're not using protection right now, so I'll just ask you to please be careful."

„No, I know. Of course! I know we're not... exclusive, necessarily", it cost him quite some effort to say this out loud. The simple thought of her possibly being with another man tomorrow almost drove him mad, „But I'm not like that, I can't do this, no matter if theoretically I'd be free to or not. Yes, I could have absolutely hit it off with Keisha today, but I didn't want to. It just wouldn't have felt right. Besides... I can barely keep up with you alone, babe", he laughed, „I mean, I know I'm supposed to be the young, strong one between the two of us here, but you're really testing my stamina."

He pulled her onto his lap so she was facing him, straddling him. „I mean, look at you! You're a vision", he gently pushed a strand of dark hair behind her ear, then unclasped her bra and added, „You drive me crazy... You're too good to be true. I don't even know how I deserve you. And I don't want to interrupt what we're having in any way. And even if you may have no reason to, and even if I have absolutely no idea how many stupid bullshit lies and excuses from men you've already had to suffer through in your life, it would mean a lot to me if you believed me. I don't want to be with anybody else, at least not right now. I want to be fully here, in the moment with you. For as long as it lasts."

A legion of butterflies were buzzing in her stomach and her heart was signing as she listened to him explain. And yes, she even had to swallow a tear or two. Of course she believed him, no doubt about it. She'd believe him without any words at all. This man really seemed to be the purest soul in Hollywood, and oh boy, he knew how to talk to her!
„For as long as it lasts... Well, one thing's for sure, no, two things. One", she smiled at him, leaning forward, bringing her lips closer to his and whispered as she was undoing his belt buckle, „we're going to need more than five minutes. And two, I'll probably die if I ever see your brother again."

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