✨Sorted out✨

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Great to see you again, Nana.” Mama Tuan said as she hugged Nara, welcoming her to their house. “You grown up to be a beautiful young lady.” Nara blushed at the compliment as she pulled away.

She’s also my girlfriend, Mum.” Mark added, making his mum to gasp as she was surprised before squealing at excitement and hugged her again. Mark laughed at the scene while Nara just continued to blush.

You don’t know how long I tried to court her. She tends to ignore me all the time since she’s a babysitter and she only pay attention to her babies.” Nara pulled away from the hug and smacked him on the head.

Hey, I’m older than you!

Well... I’m more mature than you.” Nara fired back and laughed when Mark glared at her. “And... I’m a babysitter, my kids are my priority. Of course, I’ll ignore you for them.

Mum!” Mark whined to his mother and Nara just shook her head.

Sometime I asked myself why did I agreed to date you in the first place.” The older guy whined even more to his mother.


お姉さん!” Shotaro shouted when Yuta put her on video call for the evening, making the caregiver to giggle as she greeted back. “I miss you.

I miss you too, Roro.” He giggled and kissed the screen. “Have you been a good boy for お兄さん (Onii-san)?” The 4 years old nodded. “Where’s the other?

“They went to get some snacks with Johnny형.” Shotaro replied before Jaemin appeared into the frame.

“누나!!” He shouted as he took the phone from Yuta and ran away with it.

“Nana!!” Yuta shouted as he chasing after him, making the toddler to laugh as he ran. 

“Jaejae형!” The toddler shouted as he jumped asking to be carry and laughed when Jaehyun did. “누나! Nana got Jaejae 형!”

Nara giggled as she shook her head. Jaehyun greeted Nara as he took the phone from the 4 years old. Yuta came with Shotaro and joined the video call. They talked for a few minutes before the other Littles came back, resulting in a lot of screaming and shouting when they found out about the video call.

“누나... 형lost Jisunggie’s baba.” Jeno said before Johnny covered his mouth as he nervously giggled. “They lost the spare one too.” Chenle added and Yuta covered his mouth. Nara shook her head as she sighed and giggled.

“There’s a spare for the spare one in the playroom’s cabinet.” Nara replied and Johnny quickly went to the playroom after uncovering Jeno’s mouth. “Where’s Jisunggie?” She asked for the 2 years old.

Jisunggie was a little bit fussy when we got back from the store, so Yoyo형took him for a stroll around the building.” Mark answered as he finished his apple juice. Just on cue, a baby’s cry was heard and everyone turned to the door as DoYoung walked in with still fussy Jisunggie.

“Jisunggie... 누나is here!” Renjun announced, making the baby to stop crying and look around to find the caregiver.

Andy...” Nara called as Yuta showed the phone to him, making him giggle.

“Hi, baby.” She coo-ed over him.

“누나~...” He called as he smiled.

I GOT THE BABA!” Johnny came bursting in with the pacifier high in the air.

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