Chapter 2

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Isabella's P.O.V.

"She passed away a few minutes ago. I'm so sorry, sweetheart," I couldn't believe it. My beautiful mother couldn't be dead. Desperately, I hoped this was all a prank, but the moment I heard those words, shock, anger, and sadness filled my body from head to toe. When I opened my mouth to speak, all that came out was my loud, heaving sobs.  The doctor gave me a warm hug, telling me again she was sorry, and that everything would be alright. But how could it be when the last person who loved me was killed by a monster?

Saying goodbye to her was one of the hardest moments of my life. I couldn't bear to see her like that, lying pale and bloody on the hospital bed. So, I tried to imagine that she was merely sleeping and that the bullets never pierced her lung, stomach, and the nape of her neck. "I'll miss you... so much," I whispered, kissing her forehead one last time before working up the courage to leave. 

"What's going to happen to me now?" I asked one of the two police officers that were waiting outside the hospital room door. They told me that I would be taken to an orphanage since my grandmother, my mother's trusted guardian had passed away two years ago. But before I could be taken there, they suggested that I grab some clothes and little mementos from my room. Walking back into the house was like walking back in on the scene when I heard my father kicking at the door. With every step, the night kept replaying itself in my head, causing me more and more pain.  

Back in my bedroom, I grabbed a large duffle bag with small Umbrella Academy pins on its sides, and neatly packed up some clothes along with a framed photo of me and my mother. Before walking to the slightly caved-in front door, I took one last look at the house I grew up in, feeling the lump in my throat start to form again. Life as I knew it had suddenly changed, and I was just a shell of what I used to be. 

"Miss Hansen? It's time to go," the other cop, a woman with blonde pulled-back hair said as she motioned me out the door. I swallowed the lump before walking out for the last time. I sat in the back of the police car, shuddering as the thought of my father being in the back of one crossed my mind. I didn't hear much of what he was saying as the cops took him away, but one thing I remember him saying was...

"I will get you eventually, Isa!"

That voice. It used to be full of happiness and love. But somehow, it turned into hatred and evil. I looked out the barred windows, watching as the lights from some of the houses swooshed by. I would miss this neighborhood and the people in it. Every so often, the officers would ask me if I was doing okay, to which I could only respond "I want my mom,"

Thirty minutes had passed, and the car pulled up to a tall brick building that was at least two stories high. The front of the property was surrounded by a large black iron fence, a nearby plaque reading, "Miss Tinsley's Shelter and Orphanage for Girls." The officer in the front passenger's seat got out and opened the back door, allowing me to step onto the wet concrete. At the front door, painted in a maroon color, the officer rang the nearby buzzer twice, and almost instantly it opened, revealing a kind middle-aged woman with dark brown skin, golden eyes, and curly hair the color of ebony.

"May I help you, officer?" She asked, her gaze focused directly on her. The female officer explained the situation, to which I tried to block most of it out, until I heard the words, "This is Isabella Hansen. Isabella, this will be your caretaker, Miss Tinsley," The officer spoke. Miss Tinsley held her hand out for me to shake and I gave her hand two solid shakes.  "Come on, sweetheart. Let's get you inside," She gestured, her voice sounding sweeter than honey.

"Miss Hansen, we will notify you about any updates regarding your father," the female officer spoke just before Miss Tinsley shut the door. I couldn't see much at first, due to the dim candles lighting the main room. "The other girls are asleep, so I will give you a tour in the morning, alright?" I slowly nodded before she had me sit down on one of the fuzzy couches. A fire burned in the fireplace, but it looked like it could die out at any moment. Miss Tinsley turned on one of the nearby lamps and took a seat next to me, offering me a cup of piping hot cinnamon tea.

With shaking hands, I took the cup and saucer, bringing it to my lips and being greeted with the overwhelming beginning taste. "I'm so sorry about what happened, Isa," Miss Tinsley said cautiously, doing her best not to touch a raw nerve. "I don't understand... why did he have to do it? Why did he have to be released?" I stared at the carpet. Miss Tinsley gently rubbed my back and kept whispering she was sorry.

"Here, how about we get you set up in one of the separate rooms, and I'll introduce you to everyone in the morning?" she offered. Sniffling, I nodded, and she led me upstairs and to the left. At the end of the long corridor, was a decently sized guest room. It wasn't bland, but it wasn't too over the top either. The walls had been painted a white and silver color, the curtains matching the exact shade of the secondary color. A large dresser, bedside tables, a smaller dresser, and a mirror were all laid out. And resting right in-between two windows, was a twin-sized bed, just big enough so I couldn't fall onto the floor.

"If you need anything, I'll be right down the hall. Goodnight, Isabella," Miss Tinsley whispered before carefully shutting the door on her way out. I unzipped my bag and pulled out a pair of pajamas before changing and crawling into bed. As I moved around and tried to find the best to sleep on top of, the bed felt stiff in certain places, almost like it was made out of frozen cardboard.

But I couldn't complain, as it was better than sleeping on the streets, especially since the alleyways were mostly full of heroin and cocaine addicts. I looked up at the ceiling like I was waiting for something good to happen. But as the minutes ticked by, I was wasting my time on a miracle that would never come. I wanted my mom to burst those doors and take me home. Scratch that, I wanted her to take me somewhere we'd be safer. Somewhere that monster would never find me and try to kidnap me.

God... I hope he stays in jail so he can never hurt anyone again.

A/n: I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD! Not literally, but you know what I mean! I'm so sorry for making you guys think I was never posting again. My offline life has been crazy since the last time I posted here, and it's so hard to manage writing so many books all at once! Fear not, my dears, I have a few plot points in my drafts so hopefully, when I get more free time, I'll post more often!

With love,

Dusk Marie 💖🌙

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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