The outside

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We only had a few minutes, before we jumped down onto the gravel and there seemed to be grass but not as much dirt had taken over.  We looked back at the wall and found ourselves staring at high grey walls, when we turned round we were gazing at a vast open area, as far as I could tell there was a huge crevice and connecting the two was an old wooden bridge, which leads to what seemed to be a forest.

As I looked back to the grey walls I heard shouting and feet running, maybe they were looking for us. 

"Find them, I want them brought to me now!"

"Sir, we found a glitch in the CCTV system but no way of tracing it." 

"FIND THEM!" I shudder to think what would happen if we went back, I look at Blade and notice he is tapping on the tablet to see if he can find a map or a place to stay. I continue to look around and take in the outside world, a few moments later Blade is heading towards the bridge which leads towards the forest I follow behind now and then looking back to make sure they aren't following us.  

After crossing the bridge and walking for a few miles we came to a clearing surrounded by trees on the one side, running down both sides were berry bushes, to the front a little way was a stream, we decided to camp here for the night it looked safe enough, I motioned to blade to collect some water and I headed out for sticks passing a few dead rabbits along the way and other animals before turning back and making way to camp. Once I had arrived blade had collected some water in what looked like metal water bottles and I immediately set to work on building a campfire but there was one problem how to light it, then I remembered rubbing two sticks together would light the fire and sure enough it worked. 

After having what rations Blade had backed in his backpack we settled in for the night I suggested we stay by the trees for cover, and he agreed and went to pick out a spot for him and me so we could sleep for the night. 

We arose to the morning sun and saw that the forest had treated us well and we began on breakfast,

"Hey, your tablet has any information on it about this place?" I asked curiously 

"Erm, yeah I think so not sure but hey they have a crap security system, but on the outside world I may need to do some digging," he said getting back to typing really fast

" Well let me know when you have anything." 

"Yeah" I went back to breakfast which was rice and a bit of blue cheese not much but it will do for now. Just  as I was about to get some more wood I heard voices coming closer to where we were 

"I told you people don't escape from him, anyway if they did they would be foolish to mess with what's ours."

"So Roxanne, even if they did survive the night who's to say they that won't need our help."

"Seb, maybe your right, but first let's find them and see what they want and who they are."

"Gotcha." they moved closer and closer until they were standing right above us, with our backs against the stone wall and slightly covered by trees, they jump down and surveyed the area almost wanting to scare us, we sat motionless looking at the two people who had entered our camp, a few minutes later they were staring at us with puzzled looks on their faces.

"You alright."

"Yeah fine thanks," I said as I rose to my feet and so did Blade

"What's your name and what do ya want."

"My name is Lilac and this is my son Blade, we want nothing more than just to figure out what year this may be and how we get back home."

"Home is where, the city," she says pointing to the wall in the distance I shake my head

"Home is more like in the past really....." she nods unconvincingly but she listens still 

"...we were frozen and woke up here and the priest had us captured but we escaped and ended up here." blade nudged me as if warning me but I heard it all the same

"You say your from the past, wow time travellers are amazing right Roxanne."

"Shut up Seb, I don't trust them but for now I will take you with me back to main camp there you can tell us the full story, got it." We nodded and began our walk to main camp Roxanne leading the way and Seb following behind us. 

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