Chapter Five

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Annabelle says that she can meet up with me at the nearest park. I was actually looking forward to seeing her. I just need to have some friend time. And I don't have to deal with Seth. Seth hated Annabelle and I don't know why. Annabelle did nothing wrong to make him hate her. But then again, he hates everyone that I am close to. So probably whenever Seth found out about me hanging out with my best friend, he would kill me, or at least beat me until I passed out. I was thinking about breaking up with Seth but if I do he would kill me and no one would know where my body is. So I am just staying with him and hoping he will change.

I waited at the park for about 5 minutes and then I saw Annabelle walking up to me with someone by her side.

Annabelle: Hey!!! Cora!!!

Cora: Hey!!! Annabelle!!! You is this?

Annabelle: This is my boyfriend!!! I forgot you guys never met.

Cora: Hi. My name is Cora, what is yours?

Aiden: Hi. My name is Aiden. Nice to meet you.

Cora: Nice to meet you too.

Annabelle: Anyway!!! Now that you meet!!! Aiden and I have something to tell you!!!

Cora: What is it?

Annabelle: I know that you are going through a hard time. So I can wait to tell you.

Cora: No no no. You can tell me. I don't want to bring your happiness down with me being sad.

Annabelle: Are you sure?

Cora: Yeah, I am.

Annabelle: Okay!!! Make sure you are sitting down for this!!!

Cora: I am sitting down. (laughing a little)

Annabelle & Aiden: We are getting married!!!!

Cora: Congrats!!!

Aiden: That's not all!!!

Cora: Wait. There are more!!!

Annabelle: Yup!!! (Smiling)

Annabelle: I'm also expecting a baby!!!

Cora: You PREGNANT? That awesome...(Trying not to show sadness)

Aiden: I have to go to work now. See you later. (Kiss Annabelle)

Annabelle: What the matter? You didn't seem happy when I told you that I am pregnant.

Cora: I am happy...but...I have something to tell you...

Annabelle: What is it?

Cora: Seth just told me that he didn't use protection when he rape me...(Starting to cry)

Cora: I'm going to college in a few weeks. I can't get pregnant. I also wasn't planning on having kids.


Cora: Can you please keep your voice down.

Annabelle: Yeah...sorry...

While me and Annabelle were talking Seth texted me saying that he is on his way home from work.

Cora: I have to go...Seth is on his way home...

Annabelle: Okay...see you later...

Cora: See you later...

I arrived back at Seth place. And lucky he wasn't home. So I went to the living room and l lay down on the couch. Not trying to think about me be drug and me getting rape.

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