Chapter 23: The arrival

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Milly's POV

As the days went on, the due date for the twins to arrive were getting closer. We found out the genders and there's one boy and one girl. We decided to call the girl Maisy and the boy Mike.

I was laying in bed since there was nothing to do. Mason had started school and Max found a job and I couldn't do anything other than keeping three people alive. I sighed and looked over to the clock; it was 12:45 and I still hadn't had lunch so I decided to go downstairs and make myself some cheese sandwhiches, just as I was about to go back up to the room my water broke.

'great just great-' I thought to myself not knowing what to do.

I quickly grabbed my phone and called Max, she didn't pick up and I started panicking, I called again still no answer, at this point I was crying. I called again and this time there was an answer, "Cupcake I'm busy... Can I call you back?" I heard Max's voice and I could tell she hated saying that to me.

"Erm- No... you can't call me back.. I need you like right now..."

"Why what's happened?!"

"My water broke and I'm freaking out and I dont know what to do..." At this point it was clear that I was crying.

"It's ok just stay calm I'll come pick you up and take you to the hospital, go get changed in some comfies" she told me, I nodded my head even though she couldn't see, "Ok see you soon bubs..."And with that I hung up and went and got changed into some sweatpants and one of Max's hoodies.

Not even 3 minutes later Max rushed through the door, I was startled and shocked as she was running around frantically.

"Instead of running around maybe just take me to the hospital then get my things after?" I suggested. Max stopped what she was doing.

"That would make more sense-" and with that she picked me up bridal style, damn she was strong. I looked up at her and rolled my eyes as she carried me out to the car. I was taking deep breaths to calm myself down and take my mind off the pain.

It took us 5 minutes with Max speeding down the roads. I was laughing all the way trying to hide it but it was impossible. I could tell Max was looking at me as if I was crazy. Maybe it was the fact that I was about to give birth? I don't know.

We finally made it to the room and it took over a hour.

Max's POV

I wasn't allowed in the room with Milly. I couldn't wait! When Mason comes home from school he'll have two siblings! Sadly, Maisy (the girl) will be the only girl child with two brothers. I already feel bad for her but then again her brothers would protect her.

A hour passed and Milly was still in the room. I couldn't tell if she was still giving birth, asleep or dead. I know thinking she's 'dead' isn't nice but she was silent the entire time I couldn't hear anything. Suddenly, I heard crying of a baby. I flinched and stood up.

Pacing the waiting area a lady came out. "You can go in now ma'am" I nodded my head in thanks and slowly walked into the room. Milly was smiling brightly only tears of joy were seen.

"Hey baby... are you in pain?" I asked worried about her.

She glared at me as if I should already know the answer.

"Yes and no-"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I just had two kids pop out of me- but also it wasn't that bad-" she smiled. I loved her smile. It was the best smile on the planet. It's just a shame that she's only just started smiling...

I smiled back and walked over to her kissing her forehead. She looked up at me sweetly and innocently, "maxyyyyy" I knew she wanted something because she only calls me 'maxy' if she wants something, "what do you want?"

"For you to go home and get my stuff" she said as she batted her eyes. I looked at her and sighed, "fine. Only cos I cant say no to you" and with that I left the room again and went home to get her stuff.

As I arrived back at the hospital I saw the door was open slightly, I walked into the room to find all of Milly's family hugging her and asking if she was ok. Of course Haley was trying to hint that she wanted a baby to her new boyfriend Adam. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Max help-" Milly said trying to wriggle free from the hugs and kisses but it was impossible.

"Nah" I said and all her family looked at me with a glare that pierced through my soul.

"Damn Max- you really screwed up" I heard Milly say, she had a slight smirk on her face as all of her family surrounded me and started lecturing me.

"Alright alright! Break it up!" Milly yelled, her family let me free and so I went over to Milly and hugged her.

I gave her her clothes and she wobbled away and got changed, a few minutes later Milly came back all of her family had to go. I smiled and helped her into the bed that had been changed.

She smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"Three kids Mil!"

"Three kids?! When did that happen?" She joked. I smiled at her and looked over at the two cribs the others side of the bed. She nodded and I got Maisy and handed her to Milly then I picked up Mike and sat in the chair next to the bed and cribs.

"Hey Mike..." I whispered in a baby voice. I knew he couldn't understand me and that he was a sleep but talking to him made me feel apart of his life and one of the first to talk to him. It made me feel special.

I looked up to see Milly with Maisy laying on her chest. Milly was fast asleep along with Maisy. I put Mike back in his cot then put Maisy in hers. I gently lay next to Milly and hugged her softly falling into a deep sleep.

Wc: 1077
Ok now I've finished the book! I felt bad leaving you all like that so here you go here are the Twins it's the little 'M' family! Cos all their names start with 'M' get it? Ye that's a bad joke? Can you even call it that? Lol anyways have a great day/afternoon/evening wherever you may be in this world


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