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After that fight between Jihyo,Tyuzu and Elkie.Tyuzu decided to go back to her office and check on her brother.

When she is about to open the door,she heard some noises.


"Yah! Why'd you kill my doggie!"

"I didn't mean to"

"Pay me 64 diamonds"

"What!No way!"

"Guys!Look at him.He is not guilty..After killing my doggie!My dog!"

Tyuzu opened the door revealing;Her brother and Chaeyoung arguing about minecraft.

When they finally saw Tyuzu, Chaeyoung tossed her phone out and Jun,her brother hide at her table.

"What did you guys do?!"

Jun look at her sister and pouted."No..what you're thinking is wrong.We didn't use your pc to play minecraft!and we didn't stole your credit card to install minecraft!I swear!"

"Yeah!"Chaeyoung said.

"You!What!"Tyuzu exclaimed,trying to find her credit card.

"I do not lie I'm a good boy!"Jun said proudly.

Tyuzu checks her phone.She stops when she saw a notification.The girl tap the message and immediately replied.

Hello,Are you still going?

Of course :)

Okay.Please go now haha

Please go now haha

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Bloody hell..how do you delete pictures?

how do you delete pictures?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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