Starting anew (❁'◡'❁) 🤨🔫

19 1 4

Hello! Welcome to this book where me and my friends become the manifestation of a sh*tpost!!!

Anyways so here is how it will work:

Based on who will write the chapter or story:
Emoji: Daniela writing the story
Kaomoji: Liliean writing the story
Any emoji weapon: Amber writing the story

So here our are personality's so you could favorite one of us or nobody :)


Daniela: A actual bada**/likes people who troll since she herself is a troller/ chats like a troll

Liliean: A manifestation of a softie/ likes anyone I MEAN ANYONE. SHE'S TOO KIND FOR HER LIKING/ chats kinda elegantly but at the same time sofite

Amber: C H A O S/ likes only a few people/ chats with a bit of swears and in all caps



Anyways here's a quick message from Daniela in troll form:

HMHMHMMHMHMHM HMMMM WHAT SHOULD I SAY??//  : "for long i have been very sad.................depressed baka......................................................will u marry me baby bbq girl????????" BAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA LOL ULTIAMTE TROLL I ROBUX" 🥵🤬😡😈👿👹👺 YES YES IT CAME OUT PERFECT I AM SO EVILLLL!!!


Anyways that's the end of the chapter oh and also if you reply at Daniela's message she will respawn to yall reply's if she wants



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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