For the People we Love

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Shiori's Pov
"It can't be..."--Sasuke

"The Nine-tailed Fox" I say in a whisper

'Elder Brother and Elder Sister told me stories about it when I was younger'

Shukaku does another one of his Air Bullets, the Nine-tailed fox dodges it. The Air Bullet hits the ground instead, creating another strong gust of wind

"Sasuke, another huge gust of wind is coming our way" I say

"I don't think we'll be able to move away in time" Sasuke says

Sasuke pulls me to him and uses his body to shield me

The Nine-tailed Fox bites Shukaku and suddenly poofs back to Chief Toad. Naruto jumps up towards Shukaku

"RISE AND SHINE!" Naruto says, punching Gaara


"I'm speechless" I say in a whisper, eyes widened

Gaara awakens


"I'll wipe you from the face of the earth. I will not cease to exist!" Gaara says

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!" Naruto says

He starts releasing a massive amount of Chakra

"I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU!" Naruto headbutts Gaara

Gaara's monstrous body starts cracking and crumbling back to sand

"Did...did he win?" Sasuke asks

"I think so" I reply

Naruto and Gaara are falling down. Chief Toad and Toad-kun poofs away, blowing Naruto and Gaara away with the smoke

I notice that the monstrous hand holding Sakura is also turning back to sand. Sakura starts falling down along with the sand

"Oh no. Sakura!" I quickly make my way to her

"Oh dear" I manage to catch her just in time, with a bit of a slight struggle

I lay her down on the branch where Puppy-kun is

"Shiori!" Sasuke calls as he lands next to me. We breath hard to catch our breath

"Let's go check on Naruto and Gaara" Sasuke says

"Alright" I nod

I turn to look at Puppy-kun

"We'll leave Sakura with you Puppy-kun" I say

Sasuke and I jump off to find Naruto and Gaara

"Whaaa?! Puppy-kun?!" Puppy-kun reacts

"Look Sasuke. There they are" I say

We stop at a branch

"Good eyes as always Shiori" Sasuke smiles

"*Giggle* Thanks" I smile back

We look at Naruto. We see him crawling his way towards Gaara

"It's almost...unbearable, isn't it? The feeling of being all alone" Naruto says


He lifts his head and looks at Gaara

"I know that feeling...I've been there. In that dark and lonely place...But now there are...others. Other people who mean a lot to me" Naruto says, I can see deep emotion in his eyes

I feel Sasuke intertwine his hand with mine

"Hm?" I look at him

His looking at Naruto and Gaara

"What Naruto is saying, as I listen. It makes me realize how grateful I am that I have you, and your family" Sasuke says

I smile at him, I look back at Naruto and Gaara

"I care more about them than I do myself, And I won't let anyone hurt them. That's why I won't ever give up. I WILL stop you. Even if I have to KILL YOU" Naruto says

Gaara's eyes widens

"But why? Why would you do this for anyone but yourself?" Gaara asks

"Because they saved me from myself. They rescued me from my loneliness. They were the first to accept me for who I am. They're my friends" Naruto answers

I remember the time I befriended Naruto. It warms my hearts to hear how he feels about us

Gaara looks up at the sky

"Love? Is that the thing that makes him so strong?" Gaara whispers to himself

"Let's go Shiori" Sasuke says

"Yeah" I nod

We make our way towards Naruto's side

"Naruto. That's enough" Sasuke says

"Huh?" he looks up at us

"Look. Sakura's gonna be alright. The sand crumbled away, she's free" I explain

"And this guy's Chakra is all used up" Sasuke adds

"Ah, that's a relief" Naruto says

He turns his head forward, facing the ground

Sasuke's Pov
Kankuro and Temari appears before us, in front of Gaara

Shiori and I turn to look at them

"That's enough" Gaara says quietly

"But Gaara" Kankuro says

We look at Gaara

"Alright Gaara" Kankuro says as he picks him up by the arm

They face us and jumps off. We turn back to Naruto. He's smiling as he sleeps

I look at Shiori

I push her head towards me and I kiss her on her forehead

Shiori blushes in surprise

"Hn. That's weird. You don't usually blush like this. I thought you're used to affection" I tease her

"Well you're not usually this affectionate" Shiori pouts

Shiori giggles and wrap her arms around me. I hug her back affectionately

She looks up at me and we smile at each other

Naruto: Ninjas In Love (Sasuke x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now