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We got in ivory's car and began to drive to the venue. I was still in so much shock. 'How are you feeling y/n, you are about to meet the prettiest man to ever exist' Ivs knew that I found dom attractive, WHO DOESNT THOUGH, HAVE YOU SEEN HIM? 'I'm okay, nervous but super excited, my mind hasn't come to terms with what's about to happen lol'

The journey is about 1 hour, which isn't too bad as we can just chill and listen to some music. I plugged my phone into the aux, and played 'hope for the underrated youth', it's a vibe.

We were about 20 minutes into the journey, and I felt myself getting more nervous by the second. I'm scared that I was going to say something stupid to him and make myself look like a complete idiot.

My phone screen lit up.
*yungblud just posted*
I went onto Instagram and had a look at his new post. (your Instagram in this will be


        ❤️    💬    yungblud - SO READY FOR TONIGHTT 🖤             comments -       @yungblud4ever - i wish i could be there :(       @bhcisthebest - 🖤🖤🖤       @user06 - fucking ugly twat🙄       @ybstan - YOU LOOK SO COOL       @tmpllnt - u f...

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❤️ 💬

comments -
@yungblud4ever - i wish i could be there :(
@bhcisthebest - 🖤🖤🖤
@user06 - fucking ugly twat🙄
@ybstan - YOU LOOK SO COOL
@tmpllnt - u fucker
- reply @yungblud - shut up 🖕
@adamwarrington - u look hot 👀
- reply @yungblud - i know 🥰
@y/ns.a.loner - can't wait to see you 🖤
-reply @yungblud - 🖤🖤🖤


And there it was, my first ever notice from dom. I felt so overwhelmed. Everything was happening so fast. I just got told I was meeting my most favourite person on the planet, except from Ivory of course, and he just noticed me! I'm pretty sure he randomly responds to people, and doesn't take notice who it is, but it's still so cool. He kinda knows I exist????

'WATCH ME, TAKE A GOOD THING AND FUCK IT ALL UP'. Me and Ivs screamed the lyrics to 'I Think I'm OKAY'  as we were driving down the motorway. That song means so much to me, especially since kells was part of it. We were 20 minutes away from the venue.

'What if dom doesn't like me? He might hate me' I tend to overthink everything when im in situations of meeting people. I always think everyone's judging me. One of my biggest fears is not knowing what people think of me. I don't know why, cause I shouldn't care, but for some reason I do. It's like, when I've had friends in the past, I think that they were only friends with me for the sake of it, or they felt sorry for me. Unfortunately, it was like that sometimes.

'Y/N, he's not going to hate you, stop being silly, he's going to love you'.
'Are you sure Ivs? You never know, he might find me annoying or stupid'
'I promise you y/n, he will not hate you'
Ivs always reassured me when i felt unsure or nervous. They can always sense when I'm overthinking, it's like we are platonic soulmates.

We got to the car park of the venue, Ivs went to pay to park. I could hear people singing Dom's songs, there were already some people waiting. I don't think it was many though.

We walked to the line of people, there was about 15 people here. It was about 7 hours until we could go inside, I'm not sure when we get to go and meet him though.

'Hey! How are you? My name is Bee! Are you excited?' Someone introduced themselves, which was nice, me and Ivory wanted to try and make friends with some people today.
'Hi, I'm amazing thankyou! My name is y/n! I'm so excited, but also a little nervous!'
'I'm Ivory, it's nice to meet you!'
I could sense Ivory may fancy Bee, she was pretty. Ivory's been wanting a relationship, but they always get cheated on, so they can have trust issues.
'You both seem so cool! Is this your first concert of Dom's?' Bee asked us both.
I went to speak, but Ivory was quicker. 'Awh thanks, you look so cool yourself! Yes it is, but we were also lucky enough to win a meet and greet with him, which is crazy!'
I smiled at bee, I didn't want to make people jealous about us meeting dom, but she didn't seem to get jealous. 'No way! That's so cool, I'm pretty sure only like 15 people got meet and greet so that's amazing! I hope you both have a lovely time! I'm gonna go and talk to the others! See you around'
Bee seemed really nice, which was good.
'Hey! Before you go, could I maybe get your number? Just in case we want to meet up later on and we can't find you? That's all'. Ivory asked Bee for her number??? OMG! I gave Ivs a look, I hope they worked out.
'Oh yeah, sure you can' Bee put her number into Ivs phone and she walked off smiling.

'IVORY WHAT WAS THAT? DID YOU JUST ASK A GIRL FOR HER NUMBER? LOOK AT YOU GO'. Of course I had to hype Ivory up, she never normally has the confidence to do anything like that.
'what... I just... wanted to be friends...' they smirked.

A/n - hiii, I hope you are enjoying this! I'm not too sure on it yet but hopefully it will get better as the story goes on! If there is anything you want me to change or anything I should do, let me know! :))) Have an amazing day <3

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