☆But I Still Want You☆

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︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎> Play the above song 🎶

It had been whole one day since Jungkook laid there unconscious on Jimin's bed. He looked very pale and had many scratches made by the werewolves on his soft caramelized skin. His once rosy red lips were now chapped with dryness. Jimin was by the human's side observing his mate in the utterly worst condition. The past incidents from the day where he had seen Jeon Jungkook for the very first time and until now. Things were changing drastically upside down all this while.. as Jimin keeps on recalling everything right from the beginning, it was nothing but purely pain for the innocent human.

If I remember clearly everything was quite normal. It's true that I hated humans presence infront of my eyes but with you it was different, during the first few days of Jungkook being here I never despised him. I can still recall few normal talks I had with him. But all suddenly out of nowhere things changed drastically without any reasons I started treating him like shit.... then finally the day he confessed about his feelings to me, I was stunned and couldn't proceed anything at all for that very moment. I was literally shocked that time.

It was the day where I almost killed him and till today he's in pain all because of me & now look where I brought you, we've lost our baby. I've hurt you, hated my destined mate and also hurted the person who loved me with nothing but pure love.

Jungkook you had to feel the pain of being rejected. I know how bad it hurts when creatures like us reject our mate. I don't know how am I even going to meet your eyes. I'm in such a place that I can't even seek your forgiveness. But I'm ready to face your hatred and there's only me to blame for this. I will not force you to be with me not anymore. After all this the least I could wish for you is to see you smiling and being happy in your life. Oh fuck what... have I done....

Silent tears started cascading down from Jimin's pained eyes and the droplets of his tear fell on Jungkook's face. The moment Jimin's tear drop touched Jungkook's skin, his breath hitched and his eyes were finally open. Jungkook was confused and nervously shocked. Then his eyes landed on the  crying figure of his love. Jungkook unconsciously smiled seeing Jimin infront of him. But his eyes frowned as to why Jimin crying, that was nearly am impossible sight. Then the images of all the previous incidents started flashing in his mind. The words where Jimin said they lost their baby too flashed and this was enough to make him feel odd and didn't knew even if he was pregnant at the first place. He was nearly on the verge of having panic attack but Jimin sensed and was very quick enough to hold Jungkook within his arms. The mate bond was active now so it was very easy and comforting for Jimin to sooth Jungkook's condition.

"What had happened please tell me.... it's confusing me. Everything is just.... so- s- so scary. Just tell me what you said la- last time master, I can't recall.." Jungkook begged desperately within his vulnerable and confused state and seeing him in this condition was just enough for Jimin's cold heart to break down as if it was just a piece of fragile glass.

"Jungkook relax please don't panick, it's not good for you.... try to breathe for me first. I'll tell you everything" Jimin finally said trying to make Jungkook a little bit comfortable.

"Jungkook I want you to look at your wrist now" the Vampire king said and thr moment Jungkook's gaze landed upon his wrist he saw those freshly marked initials of Jimin's name. His pupils within his doe eyes dilated in uttermost surprise and shock.

"I swear upon my hyung..... master please forgive me this is not my doing. I don't know from where that mark came....I- I-..." Jungkook was scared for making his master upset meanwhile Jimin's heart broke for thr nth time that day. He just realised how he had been treating Jungkook to the point that the human was now apologizing even at this situation on top of that when he wasn't at the fault in the first place.

"Jungkook just relax, will you do that for me and give me your hand ?" Jimin said in tensed voice his emotions making the human confused, he was seeing a hint of grief and worry laced for him in the Vampire's dark red dragon like orbs. But then Jimin saw the hesitation in his mate's eyes.

"Jungkook I will get straight to the point. It would be your decision after this and I will honestly respect your wish" Jimin said while taking Jungkook's hand in his with that he interlocked their fingers. The moment Jimin did that every single that occurred flashed in his mind and also now Jungkook was aware about how the mate bond works. He was even able to hear the previous words Jimin was thinking just now, how broken Jimin sounded minutes ago.

Jimin interlinked his inner thoughts with Jungkook and he also felt a pang deep inside his chest again, crushing his heart into numerous pieces the moment he recalled when he lost their unborn child....unknowingly tears started cascading down from his galaxy like doe eyes staining his cheeks. But after a while he managed to speak.

"I still can't believe that I was your mate... and I never even knew that I was pregnant...." Jungkook said more like asked in his broken voice.

"And I know that I'm not capable of being your mate Jungkook. What I've done was literally insane and for that I don't even have the right to seek your forgiveness. I never imagined that...... a day would come where the Vampire king of this Demon Realm could lose something....... but I lost my everything today Jungkook." Jimin said each and every single word with pain piercing through his entire soul.

"I'm a human and that's what exactly you hate master, don't you ?" Jungkook asked meeting his gaze with Jimin's.

"We both know Jungkook even though I hated humans, with you I was different. You broke the wall I had been living in for years, shielding myself within it. But things changed since that bitch came, that fucking pill made me hate you more and more. I know this isn't an excuse for my actions but just to let you know the moment my heart was getting closer to you. I ended up hating you and ended up hurting the person who loved me with no intentions behind, I hurted the pure soul who was my destined mate...." Jimin answered making Jungkook surprised but he could sense Jimin's real feelings. Thr Vampire king wasn't lying each and every single word was the truth, his true feelings which got fucked up in utterly worst timing.

"Do you want...... Do you... I.. fuck... what will you do with me now ?" Jungkook wasn't sure what did he just blurted out. He wanted to ask something else and blurted out some nonesensible words.

"You're my mate Jungkook and you exactly know what does a mate mean to the Vampires. But after what I've done.... I will leave this decision on you, but... I still want you" Jimin said with pure sincerity and want in his eyes. And at this exact moment Jungkook knew what he need to do right now.

"If you want me, then earn me. I've showed you my love enough. Now show me how badly you want me. Are you sure that you're willing to do this ?" Jungkook asked in his monotone voice and that's it, this was what Jimin needed to hear. His last hope of having his love by his side.

"I'm willing to do anything for you Jungkook and I mean what I said. I will earn you, even if it's not within my reach... this time I would never let you go" Jimin said and without any thoughts he tightly hugged Jungkook's body within his arms.

End of Chapter

Vampires Lustful Desire: topjm [Jikook Angst] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now