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Chanlix prompt hehe

There s sort of two alternatives in this one, so the second option will be in italics and ()

Felix is from an extremely rich household and is destined to marry another rich man. He's neglected by his family (if you wanna take a darker route- he's abused by his family).

He also has long brown hair which his family values more than himself. A bit like rapunzel lol.

So in an attempt to escape the marriage and his family Felix, firstly chops off all his hair until it's uneven and straglly on his head and then jumps off the balcony window and into the sea.

(To escape he tries to commit suicide by jumping into the ocean)

While cutting his hair he has a flashback/memory of being told eyes showed too much emotion. So he makes a large effort to keep his eyes covered with his fringe.

Felix doesn't want to feel weak, or useless. He doesn't want to be able to be read.


Chan is a pirate captain with a crew of six other members. His ship is one of the most famous and most hunted.

Suddenly, one of his crew members/or him spots a body floating in the water. They pull it up and find a young boy, Felix.

When Felix wakes up he's disorintated and scared, he doesn't know wether to trust these people. But any life away from his old life has to be better.

(One of the members looks similar to his once husband to be and that terrifies Felix)

And from then on its Felix learning to trust people again while trying to keep himself as guarded as possible. As well as his family is still looking for him.

And Chan and him fall in love 😏

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