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Me: Alright! Peeps have got questions Pak!

Pakistan: Alrighty then..

Pakistan: No I love humans

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Pakistan: No I love humans. There dangerous creatures but there are sweet and kind ones as well. I'm happy that you like me since most humans are scared of me because of my reputation.. Thank you Ashy! ❤️

Me: W h o l e s o m e ~ And thank you Ashy and Zanoo for loving my stuff!

Me: W h o l e s o m e ~ And thank you Ashy and Zanoo for loving my stuff!

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Pakistan: It would be so.. overwhelming. It's been years since he's said he's loved me. I would explode with emotions cuz I don't know how to control them since I've always bottled them.. But I would, generally be happy. It would be amazing, it wouldn't feel real.
And yeah I know Indi has a horrible government but Indiran's people make his country amazing. The people are the beauty of his land. I pray for a better future for me and him. And also thank you your compliment on my food and culture. Me and my people love you as well! 💕💕

Me: This is such a wholesome ask, I can't-

Well that's it! Ask more questions-

Pakistan Zindabad

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