13. I like you..too much

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"I told you to stay away from him and you still didn't listen", came the icy voice and Zhan shivered when he felt Wang Yibo's breath hit his ears. The hand around his waist was holding him upright and Zhan could feel Yibo's body behind him."I am not complaining though, I love it when people want to learn a lesson the hard way." Wang Yibo smiled at Peng Chuyue coldly, a dangerous aura surrounding him. The hands on Zhan waist dropped and gently he was turned around to face Wang Yibo. Yibo took a look at him and his eyes darkened with menace. Pushing Zhan behind him,Yibo stalked to Chuyue and fisting his collar rammed the very drunk Chuyue back into the wall. The man groaned but Yibo still wasn't satisfied. He wanted to hear the man cry out in pain. He wanted this man to suffer. He had heard the words Chuyue had said to Zhan. This man had forced himself on Zhan, tried to take advantage of him. Yibo could guess what was going on in Chuyue's head and the images of him touching Zhan made Yibo see red. A fist landed on Chuyue's face and the audible crunch was followed by a painful cry. The man kicked at Yibo's legs and another punch followed. The hits were so hard Chuyue's vision got blurry and after a few more jabs he slumped in Yibo's grip. Seeing the man unconscious, Yibo wanted to wake him up just so he could punch him to unconsciousness again but he eased his grip, letting the man fall on the ground.
Yibo turned around and walked to a swaying Zhan. Just as the man was about to topple over,Yibo caught him. "Stand still." His curt words had the desired effect and Zhan froze in his arms. Zhan looked over to the slumped figure on the floor and struggled in Yibo's arms to free himself. "I will kill this dickhead",he slurred but Yibo held him stronger. Yibo let him squirm as Zhan tried to break free and when Zhan had exhausted himself, Yibo pulled the man in his arms closer staring into the dark brown eyes.

Those eyes were clouded and the scent of alcohol clinging to Zhan were enough of an explanation to Yibo. His eyes made their way to Zhan's mouth and headed down to his pale neck that was covered in shades of red. His lips thinned and he glared at those marks willing them to disappear. The marks looked wrong on that skin and Yibo loathed the fact that this was done to Zhan by Chuyue. A sudden urge to kill coursed through his veins but his vision cleared when he felt Zhan bury his face in his neck. "I wa-want to go home", came the muffled words and Wang Yibo embraced the man in his arms tighter. He threw a look at Peng Chuyue who was still knocked out and felt hatred burn in him like never before. Pulling Zhan to his side he carried the man out. Zhan kept mumbling incoherently but Yibo managed to catch some words like, "Cheng....text...home" Yibo asked one of his men to inform the Alpha that he was taking Zhan and settled the man in his car. Taking Zhan to Yunmeng territory would invite a lot of questions and Yibo didn't want that. He told his driver to take them to his place in the city where he and Xiao Zhan could both avoid unnecessary attention. He didn't want to leave Zhan alone. He stared at the man and on impulse grazed his fingers on Zhan's lips, replacing Chuyue's touch with his. The drive home was a quiet one and by the time they reached his place Zhan was fast asleep. Yibo got out of his car and his men tried to bring Xiao Zhan out as well but Yibo suddenly burst out a loud "No." As his men looked blankly at him for further instructions, Yibo tonelessly said,"I will take care of him." It was something primal in him that refused to let anyone else lay a hand on the boy. Yibo debated with himself that the reason was that Zhan had already been in an uncomfortable situation tonight and this was the right thing to do. Although, somewhere in his heart he knew, he felt strange when someone else touched Xiao Zhan. The same dark emotions had overpowered him in the club when he saw Chuyue kissing Zhan. The thoughts of the earlier events of the night had him feeling dangerous again so he pushed the images out of his head and pulled Zhan along to his place. The boy was practically weightless but the way Yibo's entire arm looped around that little waist made Yibo satisfied. Placing the man on the bed and bringing out some clean towels he cleaned Zhan face and neck paying close attention to the marks. Need to take Zhan roared through in veins and his eyes flashed golden as his control slipped. Zhan moaned aloud at his touch and Yibo moved away as if he had been burned. He wanted to leave the room but helplessly stayed back. His legs refused to let him leave Zhan's side. Zhan mumbled in his sleep and even though it was difficult to understand he heard a, "My wings are bright red,A-Cheng. Just like an orange." The guy smiled even in his weird dream and Yibo couldn't look away. The boy had a beautiful smile. Wang Yibo sat beside him and tucking Zhan's hair behind his ears murmured softly, "Do you really don't like me?Am I not good enough to mark you?" Alarmed at what he had said, Yibo stood up suddenly but before he could leave he heard a faint whisper behind him. "I don't. I like you,too much."

Zhan groaned out loud into his pillow. His head was heavy. He shouldn't have had that much to drink. It was true that shifters could hold their liquor better than humans but Zhan couldn't even remember clearly how many shots he had done last night. Honestly, he had lost count after the eighth one. He didn't even want to remember the beer bottles that Zhuocheng had shoved down his throat. He wasn't a good drinker anyway and with the pounding in his head now, he was not going to touch anything for another year. He took a deep breath and he realised two things simultaneously. One,the mouth watering scent on the pillow wasn't his and two, Zhan was naked. Zhan woke up with a jolt and even though his head was spinning he pulled the covers around his waist trying to remember what the hell he had done last night. His memory was in bits and pieces but he clearly remembered being pinned against a wall and Chuyue kissing him. Fuck! Did he sleep with Chuyue last night? No.. That wasn't possible...He would never let that man touch him, no matter what. Zhan realised he didn't feel any different and that his body felt fine. He saw a shirt and a pair of shorts on a chair nearby and hurriedly pulled them on. He was buttoning the shirt when he heard the knock on the door. With a swing the door opened and the sight that graced his eyes had him questioning his entire existence. How the heck did his life come to this? Why? Zhan considered himself a good person so why was he so down on luck these days. "You are awake, Good. The bathroom is that way. Freshen up then join me for breakfast." With those three sentences,Wang Yibo left him alone and Zhan collapsed on the bed in dread.

Zhan tried to delay his face off with Yibo for as long as he could but he had to leave the bathroom at some point! He couldn't spend the rest of the day here even if the idea was tempting. Zhan ruffled his hair in frustration. He had been blind drunk at a club, been harassed by his ex and left the club with his pack member's future mate, gotten into bed with him naked..... "Aiyo!What have I done?",Zhan stared at himself in the mirror and cursed under his breath. The marks on his body had not yet faded and they were making him nauseous. Zhan knew he would've fought tooth and nail against Chuyue but knowing that Yibo had come and helped him meant a lot to Zhan. He wasn't a person who brushed off kindness and last night's events had forced him to see Yibo in new light. Taking in a few deep breaths, he calmed himself down and left Yibo's room with the intention of thanking the guy and disappearing. He walked casually into the room even though he wanted the ground to swallow him whole but Yibo said nothing and Zhan was grateful for it. "Thanks for last night",he murmured softly and the man before him focused his attention to him. "How do you feel now?",came the deep voice and Zhan looked up to Yibo meeting his intense eyes.
"Better." No more words were exchange and the two of them continued to eat in silence. "Y-Yibo? Umm..my clothes and..", he hadn't finished his sentence when Yibo walked to him with his wallet and phone in hand. "The clothes aren't dry yet. I will call you a car and send someone over with the clothes." Zhan nodded wordlessly and suddenly things became awkward. He should leave now. Should he said goodbye?Should he say thanks again? Maybe say, sorry? Zhan was generally good with words but today he was tongue-tied. He bit his lips and turned to leave only to stop when he heard Yibo's voice. "Don't drink so much the next time. Stay away from that ex of yours. If he bothers you again, let me know.So much trouble." Zhan's ears turned pink at his words and he nodded stiffly. "Thanks. Bye." He left Yibo's apartment with his tail tucked between his legs and dialled Yubin's number. "Yubin, Can you pick me up?...What? Is he ok?," Zhan hung up and ran as fast as he could.

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