Chapter 1: Alone

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My name is Mae Sim. Everyone spells my name as 'may' as the month, its wrong. The name doesn't sound sexy, amazing, or special. Just sounds plain right boring? Correct one point for you! Spent my whole life staring at the other girls who got their breast, curves, prettier, and boys noticed them. Buying all the magazines. 17teen, Cosmo, GirlsLife, Elle, Lucky, and Womenhealth. Everyone of those magazines made me feel like shit common thing girls feel while looking at these girls with long legs, sun kissed tans, long hair. I tired working on myself for about 4 years until I was a junior in high school and someone finally noticed, found me. His name was Drew Parker and I wished I stayed unnoticed.

*Junior Year*

"Mae bus leaves in 10 minutes!" My mother voice echo's through the air vents leading up to my room.

Blasting Live While Were Young by One Direction. Pulling the hair brush up to my mouth.

"And if we get together, yeah get together. TONIGHT LETS GET SOME AND LIVE WHILE WERE YOUNG!" Singing around the room throwing my arms up feeling and acting like a 5 year old. Who cares.

Lowering the music to get back to reality. Staring at myself in the mirror. I finally changed this summer. My teeth are white and shiny. My hair is the style of Ashley Benson from Pretty Little Liars. My skin is clear (it always has). My legs are some what long, and I have a dancers body.

I shut the music off and close my eyes starting a pray.

I gave up on God about 3 years ago when a kid named Jimmy Haven called me 'invisable'. It hurt but I just gave up on everything in life. I didn't understand why God hasn't answered any of my prays. They laid there untouched waiting for an nothing.

"I know it's been awhile but can this be the best year for me.....thats all I'm asking." Sat there for a minute and got up and left. Knowing the pray won't be answered.

Slamming the door and heading downstairs smiling at my mother who basicly saved me from my deadful past. I owe everything to her.

Walking outside into the sunny weather, putting my earplugs in blasting Summer Love by Justin Timberlake. Yes I have Timberlake, and it puts me in a good mood. What I would do to be his Summer love.

The school bus only had 7 freshman, 2 sofmores, and me the sad lonly junior. I sat all the way in the back turning the music up louder. These freshmans look like little sluts. Got high heels on, booty shorts, and see through shirts. They looked like they shoved their face in the makeup kit and walked out the door............I don't know what happened to this world.

Pulling to a stop noticing all the new classmens surrounding the school. Gossiping with their friends,waving to the boys, boys checking the girls out, couples hugging/kissing. My freshman year wasn't like that.

"Hi." A girl stood infront of me. Smiling and waiting to see if I noticed her.

"Um yeah?" Standing up making my way through the bus.

"I love your outfit." She yelled picking up her backpack.

"Thanks." Turning around flashing a smile.

Walking up the steps ready for another year. Nothing will change.

Opening the door to my home room realizing I was late already by 5 minutes. Thanks to those fricken freshman who couldn't figure out where they were going, and was to busy to say goodbye.

"Sorry Mrs. Fair. Freshmans wouldn't move in the hallways." Walking over to her desk handing her the late slip.

"Thats all right Ms. Sim take a seat and welcome to junior year." Smiling and taking a seat pulling out the student attendence sheet.

Turning around noticing everyone was staring at me. Not the stares that mean Ha she was late. These were stares of who is she!!

Taking the seat by the window, staring out hoping these next 42 minutes will go by quickly.

"Hey I'm Drew Parker."

My prays were heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2013 ⏰

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