Tatted At Heart(Chapter 1)

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I was bored at the shop. Nobody was in, they hadn't been coming in for a week now. Business is always slow like this though. Tattoos aren't as popular in people I guess. Well, meaningful tattoos, I mean. I don't really personally count tattooing the word "YOLO" on your forehead because you were drunk and thought it was awesome. That isn't a tattoo to me. A tattoo is inking your skin with something you want to remember. Each tattoo is a memory, I always say. I have things on my arms that mean things to me. I have things on my chest that mean things to me. And I opened up this tattoo shop to help people preserve their memories on their bodies forever. But nobody was coming in lately. I sat behind the curtains of the shop opening and fooled with the needles, being careful not to hurt myself and give myself an accidental tattoo. I heard the bell that was attached to my door that rang when someone came in, ring from where I was. I put down the needles I was fooling with and pushed back the curtains to see a man standing there. I ran the shop by myself, so I had to take the appointments, meet the people and do the tattoos. The man was standing there at the desk patiently, admiring all the tattoo designs and posters I had on the walls of my shop. I threw on a black vest to go with the red, unbuttoned shirt I had over my black shirt. I coughed and stood behind the counter. The man was still being very patient and looking around, giving me time to prepare to give him a tattoo. I cleared my throat. "Uh, hello. Welcome." I said loudly to bring the man's attention to me. "Oh, hello. My name is Louis Tomlinson. I'm here for a tattoo.." the man smiled at me. I pulled out a clipboard that had papers with lines on them attached. I gave it to the man and a pen. "Sign your name on the next available space please, then we can get started." I smiled back at him. He took the pen and neatly printed his name in perfect cursive along the line. "Love the handwriting." I winked at him as his face got pinkish. I took back the paper and clipboard and pen and put it on the desk. "Follow me please." I ushered him to follow me. I pulled back the curtains and allowed him access into the back room first. He thanked me and I entered after him letting the red curtains swing back down and close themselves. "Please sit in the chair. Where would you like this tattoo, Mr. Tomlinson?" I asked, grabbing a needle from behind me as Louis got comfortable. I's like it on my forearm, near my wrist please." he smiled at me, snuggling into the chair to get more comfortable. "And what would you like it to be?" I asked him, finding the perfect needle to tattoo him with. The perfect size, ink and everything. "Well, I wanted something that had meaning to me. I don't just want to get tatted for no reason." Louis said to me. I turned around and laughed. "I was just saying that to myself this morning! I hate when people get tattoos for no reason!" I exclaimed. Louis nodded, lauging with me. I knew already I was gonna like him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2013 ⏰

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