Teenagers and Coy Grins

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The blue glow from the holonet illuminated the common room of the Ghost. Hera leaned back into the curved, furniture set surrounding the holotable. In truth, she was only half listening to the daily chatter of reports for their sector of the planet, Garel.

Ezra has her worried.

It wasn't until well after Kanan and Zeb had left, that the stubborn teenager finally decided to venture from his quarters. During that time, he had reheated his cold plate of food, spoke very little, and tried in vain to hide most of his coughing fits into the crook of his arm.

After a bit of coaxing--and possible threats of confining him to his quarters--Hera had gotten him to swallow a tablet of Crelenex, before sending him back to his bunk.

The Twi'lek inwardly sighed. It was obvious that Ezra wasn't feeling well, but it was also obvious that whatever was wrong wasn't just physical. Something was definitely upsetting him.

If the situation had been with their other resident teenager, Hera would just offer some personal space. Sabine typically already spent a lot of her time alone. She'd throw herself into painting, blare some music in her cabin, and eventually come seek someone out if something personal was bothering her.

However, Ezra wasn't Sabine.

Despite spending most of his young life on his own, long periods of isolation appeared to have the direct opposite affect. He withdrew quicker, and on most occasions it took someone willing to approach him, rather than the other way around.

Hence, why Hera thought it best to wait up for Kanan once he got back. She'd speak with him in private to get his thoughts on the matter. Normally, the Jedi could get Ezra to open up to him about anything.

That is...up until recently.

Since Kanan had been going out with what Hera would label his "drinking buddies", Ezra's behavior had shifted. His witty remarks were becoming snarky, and the charismatic attitude he usually carried was beginning to wane.

It didn't sit well with her, so...here she sat.

An hour or so later, Hera heard the ramp to the cargo-bay door open. She turned off the holonet, set the lights back to their usual brightness, and crossed her arms over her chest. Her wait wasn't long, as soon enough both Zeb and Kanan came up through the ladder from the lower deck.

The pair appeared to be in a jovial mood, but from what Hera could tell, Zeb was the only one who seemed a little tipsy. She cleared her throat to catch their attention, earning a raised eyebrow from Kanan. 

"Hera? What are you still doing up? Thought you'd be asleep by now. Don't tell me you waited up because you missed me." He gave her a playful grin, hoping to earn a smile.

Instead, she pressed him with a serious look.

"We need to talk."

Immediately, Kanan's demeanor changed, and his shoulders sagged slightly. "Oh boy, I know those words."

He turned to his purple-haired friend, re-directing him from the common room towards the hallway that leads to the crew's quarters. "Come on, big guy. You heard the captain."

The Lasat chuckled at him, grinning from ear to pointy ear like a Cheshire cat. "Some one's in trouble...heh heh."

Before the Lasat had a chance to continue goading him, Kanan pushed Zeb past the automatic doors. He really didn't need the extra help from teasing.

Making it across the common room in only a few long strides, he approached his partner. He placed, what he hoped, was a comforting hand on her shoulder.

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