Nickname: Rosie, Rosa, Rose
Date of Birth: Sept, 30
Height: 5'5
Weight: 175
Hair Color: blond
Eye Color: blue/green
Face claim: Elle Fanning
Birthmarks?: On her arm(shaped like a mermaid)
Birthplace: Narnia
Bad Habits: Blushes(alot), nibbles on hair when nervous
Fears: dragons
Talents: singing
Crush: Eustace
Children: (Later) (Four kids) Ruby-Anna, Sapphire, Hayden, and Hunter Scrubb
Father: Roger(killed by a dragon)
Mother: Alicia Reef
Siblings: (11 mermaid half sister)
Pets: (In Narnia) a dolphin named Bluey, (in London) a kitten named Tiki
Likes: Teasing Eustace, Helping, being kind and nice, talking to animals, singing, the ocean
Dislikes: Her sister teasing her, Dragons(at first), Eustace whining
In London-In Narnia-