Part 1

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There was a bright glow in the distance as the sun started to spear the nice orange hues and yellows shown out from the far trees and greens, there were some large buildings that were over grown along with some velechales everything looked overgrown with trees and animals running around, there was a lot of things that seemed different but this was the world that had been created after the nuclear war with the monsters and humans.

"God damn why the hell is it just so loud out right now, I get that it's morning but god damn"

A girl with (y/h/l) came out of a small tent there were many people and monsters walking around many of them had ragged clothing or weird apocalyptic clothing on, the girl sighed as she shook her head she hated the small town at times as they tend to be very loud at times since there were at least maybe 300 or 400 people and monsters there, after the war the monsters and humans learned to set there differences aside and to help one another out as they both realized their mistakes as it took both sides out and everything and everyone was hurt. The girl sighed as she grabbed her bag and grabbed her tent, putting her tent away along with her equipment.

"Temmie, wait up I can't run as fast as you!" a small orange ish yellow monster kid with no arms ran after a white looking dog with black hair and a striped shirt.
"Ohhhhh nuuuuu tem gotta hurryyy there sellin Teams favorite food at the town hall!" The dog or cat looking creature ran faster leaving the small monster child running after them.

you sighed as you're stomach started to growl a bit, your face went red as you did note that you hadn't eaten a bit and you have been workin a bit to help out the town hall so you thought you deserved some good food, you started to jog to the town hall we're the king and queen of Monsters lived with there three kids, you slowed down as u saw the king handing out food and flowers out to them as well he was a flower guy indeed.

"Hey asgore! I've seen that your flowers have finally bloomed, aye?" You smiled as you jogged up to the goat man who was smiling at you.

"Yes, yes they have and I'm glad they did they will help bring a smile to everyone, and they already made some happy" he smiled as he pointed to temmie and the monster kid who were smelling the flowers they seemed to be enjoying it- the small dog ate the flower as the monster child gasped in shocked, the king looked bewildered at it but he started to laugh at the whole thing.
"Kids i tell you there the joy in the world that we live in, as long as they are happy I'm happy" the king smiled as he looked at them he then turned and looked at you
"So what may I help you with hun? You must have come here for a reason"

"Well yes, yes I did I'm sorta hungry ya see after the whole work with the main hall I did sorta skip my meals I order to finish the whole place".

You smiled at the king as he laughed a bit. He was a kind guy who went through many wrong doings in his time; he just did most of the things for his people as they were treated wrongly.
"Oh yea i came here to ask if i could get some food as i don't have much food since i gave most of it to the other people when we were building and fixing the town hall" you looked at the tall goat man as he looked surprised at you.

"Of coarse why didnt u say anything beforehand i would of helped you get some food dear toriel will gladly help you get some food, torile hunny can you help (y/n) with her food she forgot to eat it seems hun" another goat like monster came out her purple like dress and beautiful simile came out of a tent as they looked at you they gasped a bit as they heard what agore said and shook there head " oh why in the name of the underground you got to be more smart my dear we don't want anyone hungry here come, come we shall get you some food for you" the giant woman walked to wear a steaming pot full of soup was and poured you a bowl of it she then handed it to which you gladly took.

"Thank you toriel i'll try my best not to forget that hehe i can help it as i want to make sure this place gets better for us all" you smiled as you looked at her you loved her alot she took care of you when she found you wounded and healed you back up to shape if it wasn't for her you would have been very mush dead, you smiled to them as you then scarfed down the food eating is fastly even though it was hot.

The king and queen laughed as they watched you eat the food just straight up scarfing it but as you did there was some footsteps walking up to the place from the shadows three people holding what seemed to be was a gun and a sword came creeping up behind the queen and king no one noticed till the last second.

"Ugh azzy why the hell are you carrying your sword out in the town mom told us to keep them in your belt it's only important to fight when there's actual danger ya fluff ball!" a boy with a green like hoodie with yellow striped came out along with two other people, a goat like monster that looked like the king and queen and another boy who had his hair up but bangs nearly covering his eyes walked out from behind the king and queen they were carrying what seemed to be a deer a giant one in fact. "Well chara ya never know what may happen maybe if you weren't such a dufus you would know" the giant goat child ruffled charas hair as they both dropped the dear and started to wrestle "i dont understand if they are nineteen or thirteen again at times" the boy with a blue like coat came in with fluffy rims walked colore to the king and queen he laughed a bit seeing azzy getting his ass beaten he then turned and saw you scarfing down your food.

You looked up as you saw frisk looking down at you with a questionable look you looked up your face turning red from embarrassment as you didnt expect the boys to be back within maybe an hour or more "oh uh hey frisk i uh- you guys are very early i see i didn't expect you guys to back he-he" you knew he was about to laugh as he was holding his mouth a bit while looking at you.

"Mhm i see he-he well we had a lucky blow with are catch today as you see behind chara and asriel " frisk pointed to where the deer laid down at it was a nice buck indeed the horns were big and it looked nice and juice "oi ya emo fack help me beat azzy up he's getting the upper hand!" chara was being held in a choke hold position by asriel the goat boy was now teasing him by ruffling his hair and making snarky comments to chara, frisked sighed as he walked over and layed on asriel making them all fall on the ground with one big thud "ah! Frisk get yo fat ass off us you're killing chara!" chara was at the bottom he played dead as he was literally being the bottom one of the pile "i cant gravity is pulling me down oh noo, hey (y/n) get on top lets squish chara even more"

You nodded in a agreement laughing at them you jogged over and layed on frisk making chara gasping for air while asriel was laughing his ass off " haaha looks whos the top now ya punks" you smiled as you gave a sly grin to the three of them laughing at the same time at the situation.

The king sighed and shocked his watching the gourd of you just horse around. It was a silly situation but the king loved that humans and monsters here were getting along, most places people and monsters were separated as they still hated one another but here it was so much different.

"Ok ok get yo fat asses off me I don't want to die!" Chara was yelling a bit as she seemed to be dying from everyone being on top of him, you got up and helped frisk and them all up laughing at the stupidity a bit "Oi dad when is the car gonna be fixed we're still planning to head to the city! Right guys?" Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Oh yea I totally forgot about the trip" you shook your head as you slammed your hand to your head they told you about this a month ago when they found the car it was in somewhat ok shape when they got it. " Even though y'all kept reminding me that we're goin to the city, it seems that the work I've been doing may have been mostly on my mind" you scratched your neck as you looked at them.

"Really (y/n) I thought you would have remembered by now we literally talk about this every day! How could you forget! Literally chara talks about this twenty four seven!" asriel shook his head as he looked at you he was a bit annoyed to say at least he had expected you to pay a little attention but nope
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