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A/N hello everyone FYI THEY ARE ALREADY IN DORMS. btw im starting this while taking a break from updating my other book, a fucking hurricane is hitting my dry ass state so wish me luck❤❤❤, if i dont post in a month then im eather dead, asleep, in the hospital, at school, in a coma, or just have no motivation to do anything at the moment. Things have unexpectedly went downhill for me and i have no idea why, like bestie, wtf 😀??? OH WELL. Lets get into the chapter!  (2000+ EACH CHAPTER!!! **OR ILL ATLEAST TRY**)

(Also if you havent read the desc already then please do, it lists most of the trigger warnings and other things.)


Kaminari sat in his room, all he heard was yelling, from the kitchen, then a loud crash. But he was to young to know what was happening, he was only five. He was only five when he lost everything. Everything he ever loved had fallen out of his hands as easy as glass. You could even say his heart was like glass. As fragile as a peace of glass, though when the glass breaks, its harmful, almost deadly...

Though no one would ever think a boy at that age could be as sad as he was. His father wasnt the convenience, it was his mother. His mother had always stayed out past midnight and then come back late, starting fights with his father.

His father. Yashi kaminari (not a real cc, i made him up) was good to his son, he worked as an actress, gaining the family loads of money, but only for shoa kaminari, his mother, to go out and spend it on drugs. But since kaminaris father was an actress, he knew how to act out every emotion perfectly, at the age of 13, kaminari had begged his father to teach him emotions because he had practically forgot how to act an emotion.

After days of kaminari begging his father, yashi finaly considered it. He beleived in making people happy, even when on the inside your sad, he still wanted his son to carry on. So, he tought kaminari how to show emotions. At the age of 14, kaminari had gotten the acceptance letter from UA. Which suprized kaminari and his father, because of kaminaris dyslexia they didnt think much of getting into UA but things took an unexpected turn.

Today was kaminaris first day of UA. He, gladly, knew some people there. And just hung around them.

He sat in class, waiting for the teacher to enter. But his attention turned to a yelling blond that walked in the room.

"Deku.." he had venom laced in his voice. A green haired kid in the back slid down in his seat, looking scared.

Kaminari didn't know the twos relationship with each other but he for sure didnt want to get on his bad side. And kirishima, one of his best friends, agreed.

The spikey haired blond let out sparks from his palms, just as he was about to run up to the guy called deku, a blue haired dude came up and waved his hands around. The class sure was a train wreck, but kaminari loved it. He wasnt sure what class he was in but the they all seemed very powerful.

'Unlike you.'

Kaminari sighed.

'Can you not, its my first day.'

'Your right, i have beter things to do that talk to you, you just annoy every one.'

Kaminari looked up a little dissapointed in himself. He just wanted to have a good first day but something always had to ruin it for him.

"Hey man, you alright?" Kirishima asked, poking his friend on the cheek.

Kaminari broke out of his trance and nodded.

After a minute or so the teacher thats name is Shota aizawa also known as eraser head (i purposely nade that sentence annoying) walked in.

"We will be doing a quirk test, i have your suits right here, grab them on the way out and head to the gym after your done getting dressed. The class nodded and began to head out of the (666 words) room.

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