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"Y/n we have been friends for years you can trust me scouts honour!" Nessa says and you stand there staring blankly at the ground biting your fingernail with nerves

"Ness please drop it you say in a harsh yet calm tone of voice , nessa stares into your deep green eyes looking for a hint or a clue at what possibly you could be hiding but ..she got nothing .

"Fine... but y/n who you bringing?" Nessa says with a slight twinkle in her eye with hopes of your response being her name and you chuckle and glimpse at her "you see ness I just figured ..huh ...why not ask Blake from school ! So I text him earlier on and he's coming with me" you say quickly

Nessa pushes your arm playfully "oh shut up y/n" she says giggling and you laugh "I'm kidding your coming but fan girling it"you say sternly giving her a concentrated look "pinky swear" she says raising her hand and intertwining her finger with yours "ok let's get ready" you say and a large smile forms on nessas face like she had won the lottery and she shrieked with pure excitement

Meanwhile at the meet and greet :
Bands pov

As the band continued to meet fan after fan chase began to get very tired and stressed out as they questioned him on last nights events he continued to shrug it off and create lies occasionally throwing in some jokes to laugh about it but ..after being questioned so many times his temper was growing short .

"Hi avani I'm a huge fan" a young girl says running up to avani and hugging her tight avanis heart fills with joy as she lifts up the little girl with vinnie watching her wistfully... vinnie seemed to have a soft spot for avani one that was like no other.. as avani talked with the little girl she felt eyes fixated on her , she turned slowly and spotted vinnie , she glanced slightly as his day dreamy eyes as they wistfully gazed at her "got a staring problem hacker" avani jokes in a playful manner and vinnie giggled and smiled at her ,causing her to blush and turn back to the young girl .

As this occurred chase stayed put on the seat furthest away from the rest of the guys and drank a bottle of water hopefully to calm himself down ...suddenly a voice from the line shouted "CHASE ...HI" the fan yelled obnoxiously and he chuckled softly gulping down the water as he waved causing most girls in the line to swoon ! he laughed innocently at there sweet reaction and began to stand up again "YO CHASE ! is it true you fainted yesterday !? "another fan yells , causing chase to stop in his tracks he stays silent in attempt to keep his cool and took a deep breath before returning to his spot beside vinnie "huddy why did you cry on stage" another questioned and chases heart began to beat faster in his chest his blood pressure increasing and face beginning to redden with a mix of anger and embarrassment "guys please don't shout out your questions while we are currently greeting other fans! I promise that we will all talk with you guys individually when you get up here" chase says quickly trying not to snap fans , avani placed her hand gently on chases shoulder to calm him and continued to sign a book a fan had handed her , the meet and greet then quickly continued with chases breathing rapidly increasing , as fans continued asking questions about last night to the point that even vinnie and avani were uncomfortable, to contain himself chase just took deep controlled breaths faking a smile and signing albums

Vinnie noticed chases rapid breathing and walked behind him quietly trying not to make himself too obvious "hey , Chase you ok buddy" vinnie says calmly approaching him and laying his hand gently on his shoulder "fuck off vinnie" chase snaps as he pushes vinnies hand away "jez dude chill I was only asking out of concern you seem tense " vinnie says giving him a concerned look "yea well how about you mind your own business hacker why does it matter to you if I'm tense or not ! don't ask me anything unless it has to do with the fans ok! Be honest is it that hard to mind your own fucking business for two seconds "chase says quietly through his teeth causing vinnie to stand there completely in shock

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