Next Day
Denki and Momo went to watch Togaru train at the shrine as Togaru polishes his swordsmanship skills. After he was done, he looks at the two who watched him applaud. Denki stands up and runs to him but trips along the way. Momo gasped and Togaru throws his sword to the ground to catch Denki. Denki looks down that Togaru saved him because he doesn't want the flower to get squished.
"That was to protect a flower-?" Denki said as he pulls the sword from the ground and stands up. "Nicely done!" he said resting the sword on his shoulder.
"Togaru-kun may seem intimidating at times, but you're quite kind." Momo said stands beside Denki and smiled.
"I'm just normal." Togaru said as the two laughed.
Togaru's Mobirate rings and he flips it open, "A BIG OL' ZANGYACK SHIP JUST SHOWED UP!", It was Navi that said this.
"We're on our way." Togaru said as the left the shrine.
Timeskip (GokaiOh)
"Let's deal with them and start looking for the next legendary power." Izuku said.
"Understood." Togaru spins his wheel as they slash the Sugourmins.
"Chew on this!" Denki said as they insert their Ranger Keys.
"GOKAI STARBURST!" Hitting one of the Sugourmins.
"LET'S USE DEKAGOKAIOH NEXT!" Izuku said and insert the Ranger Keys.
"GOKAI FULL BLAST!" Hitting the second Sugourmin.
"We'll finish with MagiGokaiOh." Togaru suggest as they insert the Ranger Keys.
"GOKAI MAGI BIND!" Finishing the last Sugourmin.
Gigant Horse
"CURSE THEM!" Warz Gill repeats the word as he kicks one Gourmin. "YOU'RE ALL USELESS!" grabbing another one and smacks the head multiple times and pushes him. "BLAST YOU!" he repeats the word and grabbing the Gourmin's weapon smacking him but Damaras stopped him.
"Your Excellency, you must compose yourself." Damaras trying to calm him down.
"RELEASE ME!" Warz Gill got out of his hold and smacks the Gourmin's head. "HOW MANY TIMES MUST WE BE DEFEATED BEFORE THEY'RE DEALT WITH?!".
Barizorg approaches him, "Our total of confrontations with them since coming to Earth are-" He was cut off when Warz Gill yelled, "DON'T ACTUALLY COUNT THEM, IMBECILE!".
"Yes, boss." Barizorg bows.
"Every Action Commander was send out gets slaughtered..." Insarn said making Warz Gill more frustrated.
Gokai Galleon
"Now then..." Izuku sits down, "Navi, get to work.".
"HAAAIII!~" Navi responds. "LET'S NAVIGATE FOR TREASURE!" Navi flys around until she hits the ceiling and Momo caught her. "I've seen a vision... be wary of samurai... SOMETHING LIKE THAT!".
Togaru close his cards and thought deeply.
"Like Yoroi Musha?" Momo questions.
"Maybe the old man got answers." Denki said.
"Don't be dumb. We're looking for past Super Sentai warriors not Quirk Heroes." Kyoka said.
"Well, let's start searching." Izuku commands and they follow.
Aksi34 teams defended earth from the space empire, Zangyack, first fleet. Unfortunately, they had to sacrifice their power for fighting and protecting the people in order to destroy the fleet. It was later called "The Great Legend War". Years went by, t...