Chapter 3

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Narrator's pov


"Wait. How do you know that?"

Something the people in the previous row hoped for finally happened. Silence.

Melanie stayed quiet for a second, her eyes had widened brightly and her brain faded within itself at the question

"You stalking me, Princess?" Summer smirked

A small name had exploded Melanie's insides, her eyes widened more as the rush of blood came to her cheeks, diluting her anger

But then it instantly went away when she came back down to earth

"WHAT!? NO!"

"Oh?" Summer chuckled

"Everyone knows who you are. Besides, I... Had a meeting in the office last semester and I.. Saw your name on a slip of paper. I somehow managed to notice that we have a few classes together" Melanie quickly covered up

Summer chuckled lightly as she nodded to herself, her head slowly shifted to face the girl sitting just a feet away from her

Then mischief played itself within her eyes, Summer narrowed her brows at the girl as a small smirk pressed on her lips

"Help me out of this dress" She said

A beet red colour instantly took over Melanie's face as her head snapped in the girl's direction

"What!?" she hissed

Summer's fingers were already wrapped around the knot from behind the dress as she started to undo it

"Oh come on, don't act like you don't want me out this dress" She smirked

"I certainly do not want to see you out of that... D-dress" The girl stuttered in her heated moment

"Uh huh, sure babe" Summer chuckled

"Stop calling me these stupid names"

"Why? Afraid of a little pet name?"

"I'm not your pet nor your friend, don't give me names"

"You could be my pet if you wanted to, I don't mind playing with you" Summer smirked

Melanie gave the same look of horror on her face as when my parents discovered why the end of my toothbrush case was sticky and smelled like fish

Her eyes were only left to pop out of its socket while her mouth scrunched tightly

"You're disgusting"

"Meh, I've been called worse" Summer chuckled

Her fingers finally undid the knot behind her dress and her hands reached in front, hooking her thumb around the straps and starting to pull the fabric over her head

"Wh- WHAT are you doing. You're in a church!" the brunette hissed, but not loud enough to anyone else to hear, not wanting to bring notice to the girl stripping

"I'm changing, there's no way in hell I was going to keep that shit on" Summer chuckled

Pulling the dress over her head had caused the clothing under death to ruffle a bit, along with her hair

The church ceremony had been going on for over half an hour yet the two girls hadn't even noticed with their constant bickering with each other

Luckily, the rest of the congregation had been standing to honour a pray that was being said at the podium

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