A Dance

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**Hi there! So I decided to write a little story inspired by a video I saw from empty.bag on TikTok. It was so cute so I just HAD to write a little one-shot about it, y'know? I hope y'all like it. It kinda sucks ass because I did it on a whim but oh well 😮‍💨 Idea credits go to her!**


"Are you positive about this?" Jean asks you with a weary look.

You stare at him incredulously. "What kind of question is that? We deserve this! Stop being so uptight."

He sighs. As of now, you stand outside the small entrance to one of the nicer areas in Wall Rose, known for its liveliness. The commanders of the Survey Corps thought it would be nice to have a night out for the scouts that wished so, and there you were.

You had made a bet with Jean a few days prior (something about who could get the most Titan kills) and you had won, so your end was to make him do one thing with you and he can't say no. So you forced the poor boy to go the celebration.

You grin. "Your fault for being a sucky soldier. We haven't got all evening horse-face."

"Quit callin' me that, will you? And do we really- AGH." Jean's remark is cut off by your hand lacing with his, and your abrupt pull on his arm as you run between the large stone pillars to the main group.

Your smile doesn't waver for even a second, and what you don't know is that Jean's smiling simply because you are. And he rarely smiles. Well, with the exception that it trails his occasional cockiness.

You look up at the various lanterns stringing across the plaza. Funds are usually put towards merchant carts and city-things, but the owners of nearby taverns scraped together their few supplies in hopes to gather more customers. "Wow..." your voice trails. Your gaze is reminiscent of a small child's, and Jean grins like a goof because of it. Even he doesn't realize that he's smiling because of you, but you seem to have that effect on people.

In the distance, it seems as though a small group of bards has come together to preform in the square. A circle of citizens and survey corps members is slowly forming in flow with the tune and you slowly turn to Jean, a sly smirk on your face. "Would you look at that. People dancing, hm?"


You scoff. "Jean! You know that I haven't really got to do this before. You know, considering the fact that we're constantly being mauled nearly to death by giant naked babies. Just this once? Before I don't get the chance to again?"

"That's a poor excuse if I've ever heard one," he crosses his arms defiantly "and besides, I don't dance."

"Says who?"

"Says me," he taps your nose lightly to tease you, and you can feel your face warm at his touch. "and I haven't had anything to eat yet. Let's go." He tries to pull you away from the ever growing crowd, but as the music grows more lively, you slips free from his grasp.

His light brown eyes stare at you sternly. "Y/n, I said no. Let's go."

You tilt your head at him and poke your finger at his strong chest. "You said you can't dance. But I can. I'm going."

"Y/n quit it. I'm not playin' around-" but Jean doesn't have time to finish. You give him a sarcastic salute and with a shit-eating wink, you book it towards the crowd.

It seems as though the dance is just picking up when you arrive, and you've got no time to lose. You run in and join hands with your close friends Nifa and Sasha. They laugh wildly as you spin them around in circles, feet hitting the cobblestone in repetitive motions.

Your heart feels alive in a way it's never felt before. You can barely put it into words, but it makes you indescribably joyous. It almost feels similar to thrill you get when you fly in for a kill with your ODM gear. You twirl away from the girls but instead of finding open space, you crash into a strong figure.


He scowls at you. "Why do you never listen to me?"

You grin. "Because I don't want to, nor do I have to. Now; are you going to keep me smushed to you like this all night? Or are you going to dance with me?"

Jean was holding you against his chest, and though you noticed that he was, he didn't seem to. His cheeks flushed red and you chuckled. Oh, how you loved catching him off guard.

He rubs his neck.

"That doesn't answer my question Jean-y." You chide. You knew you were irritating him, but at this point, he should've known it was inevitable.

Your seemingly drunk Section-Commander, Hange, pipes in to your conversation. "Just dance with the woman, will ya!"

You laugh as Jean's face turns an even deeper red. "You heard them! May I have this dance?" You lean in a little to provide some privacy between the both of you. "Of course, only if you want to. But I'm sure it will be fun to-"

His hands snake around your waist and he tugs you into the middle of the festivities with surprising agility.


His mouth tips upwards. "You were saying?"

You smile, as does he. Jean grabs your hand and leads the way for the both of you. A laugh bubbles from deep within you. You thought your heart felt alive before, but boy were you wrong. Watching him grin like a dope and feeling his hands in yours makes your heart feel alive. And you love every second of it.

Your shoes beat the ground beneath you in perfect time as you break free from his hands and spin on your own. You clap with the rest of the people around you, and somehow, you find your way into the centre. Everyone's eyes are on you, including Jean, and he doesn't hesitate to watch you. To him, you're a vision, a sight for sore eyes. Jean's far too stubborn to admit that, though.

He notices a ginger-haired boy about his age growing closer to you, and he frowns. He strides towards you and takes your hands again, blocking the boy from your path.

"Nice of you to join me again."

He lets out a laugh. "You're dancing like a little lamb. I couldn't just stand back and watch." Jean of course was lying through his teeth, because you looked enchanting while you were in the centre.

He sweeps you towards his body and dips you downward, to the point that your hair is nearly touching the ground. When he brings you back up, his face is dangerously close to yours. His eyes flicker to your lips but before he can act upon any intent he had, the music ceases. Everyone surrounding the both of you claps. You can hear a few people whooping your name, and many of your comrades seemed to be entertained by your and Jean's little antics.

The music starts up again. As you turn to walk away, Jean grabs your chin with his fingers. "Oh? And where were you headed off to? You seemed so eager to dance earlier y/n. What happened?"

You sigh, already tired out. "I suppose I could go more time."

He grins that grin that always seems to make you melt a little bit. "There's my girl."

And with that, the two of you dance for the rest of the night, all eyes on you. (You also became the Survey Corps OTP couple 😩😩💪💪)

**Anyway, there's that I guess 😗. I know it's not very good but I wrote it because that tiktok made it sound so cute. Please ignore any inaccuracies, this was purely for fun because I can't sleep LOL. I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you think, and if I should write anything else like this in the future. Love y'all 😛**

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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