A Meeting with the Ghost

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At midnight, I heard a similar voice whispering to me. I almost skipped a heartbeat. The spirit was looking at me. This time, I looked attentively at the details in the ghost.

It was wearing a black hoodie (or as it was dark, it seemed like it) and a long gown with white dots. It had green eyes as if it got radioactive eyes. It whispered something again.

I switched on the light, and it slowly vanished away. Did the ghost riddle me? I questioned myself. Why would the spirit come to me? That night was so confusing. The next day, I woke up so fast and got ready for my college at 5:00 a.m. itself.

I left a note on the table and hurried for college. Once I reached there, I ran to the library. I gave the librarian my card and took a book. I always believe that the library has the answer to all my questions.

So every single time, if I get a doubt, I hurry to the library. I referred to many books, and I still didn't get any answers. Confused, I went back home. I took my keyboard and played a tune again. I was thinking about all the possibilities of the ghost.

That night, I went to bed. I was still slightly confused. I got a weird thought. Is it the ghost seeking help from me to solve its issues or to take revenge?

I scratched my head. I didn't know when I slept, but I woke up at 6. I refreshed and made coffee and woke up my mom and dad. I also gave coffee to my granny.

My brother was sleeping next to granny. I looked closely at him, and he was snoring. But I felt something strange about him than usual. Then he woke up, and his face turned like a monster.

He had blood all over his eyes, and he grew two big fangs in his mouth. I screamed so hard. When I opened my eyes, I was back in bed. I had fear and relief at the same time.

I tried to tell my parents, but they didn't listen to me at all. Crying, I went to college. Nobody noticed me at all. Even my friends didn't. I just wept in my heart and sat on my bench.

From then everything seemed weird to me. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't able to focus on anything from then. I was in the middle of tiredness and fear. Those days were scarier than usual. Only one thought lasted in my mind. What the hell is happening to me?

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