‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾The Democratic Circus☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

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Adam was sitting in his room scrolling tik tok on his phone. The school year was about to start, and he was basically just relaxing till the first day shows up.

But his friends had other plans

He suddenly got a call from Roman. He let out a sigh and picked it up,

A: "yo, what's up?"
R: "Adam did you hear about the circus yet?"
A: "No? I don't care about some random circus-"
P: "well you should!!!"

A female voice said in the background, she was obviously standing next to the fancy dressed man over the phone

A: "of course you would be excited over a circus Pup, all you talk about is clowns"
P: "Not just any circus a demonic circus!!! With demon clowns!!!"
A: "... Ok that actually sounds a little interesting"
P: "mhm"
R: "So do you want to come or not???"
A: "as much as I would enjoy going to some circus thingy I have no way to even get there"
P: "don't worry, that's way we're on our way to your place right now"
A: "wha-"
P: "see you soon!!!"

With that that last statement she hung up the phone. He shook his head a bit and sat up, he should probably get ready if he is going to be dragged somewhere. He just put on a tea shirt and some basket ball shorts before walking outside and waiting for the two idiots to arrive

»»——>Time Skip<——««

They had just arrived to the circus. He looked around at all of the stands and people walking around. He was a little thrown off by the pastel color theme, he was expecting black and red torn up cloth with a spooky feel. Not the pastel rainbow with cutesy skulls and demon drawings everywhere. "For a demonic circus it doesn't seem very, demonic" he faced the other two, "oh don't be a party pooper I'm sure there's more then there seems" Roman said as he shrugged a bit. Pup didn't didn't notice as she was looking around in pure excitement going on about random things like, "those rubbed ducks have little fangs", " the cotton candy looks so good", "the clowns are so pretty looking". He kind of tuned her out at this point.

They soon made it to the big top in the middle of the field. It was a light pastel rainbow with a cute goat head on the top  of it. He jokingly gagged at it and the other two laughed. They walked inside and took their seats somewhere in the middle row. People started to fill in around them as it got louder with all the chatter.

After a few minutes the lights dimmed and it started to get quiet. Some smoke rised from the middle of the strange and a man appeared amongst it. Some,
"ooooo"'s and, "awww"'s where heard through the crowd. Adam wasn't impressed with cheep party tricks tho. The man used his arms to swipe away the smoke as he looked up at the crowd

"I see our reputation has followed here as well", he smirked, " well welcome to the demonic circus!!! We have many great acts to show you lovely people from our silly clowns to our outstanding acrobatic acts!". The crowd cheered as he  smiled a even bigger sharp toothed grin. Adam just crossed his arms and sat back in his seat, he just wanted this yo end already so he can go back home and take a nap.

"As every good show should start, let our clowns entertain you as we prepare the set ups" the man slowly got off the stage as clowns of every shape and pastel colors entered. Some where juggling as others where doing cartwheels and backflips. They seemed to form a cycle in the middle as the lights focused in the middle of that cycle. There where come confused whispers, "why are acting like this is some kind of routine??? Don't the clowns normally just do random things that will entertain the crowd???" Pup whispered to the two boys. Roman nodded just as confused but Adam just shrugged. But thru all snapped their attention to the stage when they heard some gasps.

A ring was slowly lowering from the top of the tent. Inside there was a pretty tall girl with big puffy buns. She was hanging upside down as it made it's way to the ground. She jumped off it a bit before it hit the ground and landed perfectly on her feet. Some people clapped as she did so.

This girl caught Adam's attention. He couldn't really put his finger on why but he also couldn't take his eyes off of her for the rest of the clowns act. Even when she was just simply juggling or going around in a bike he couldn't look away, like he was under some kind of spell. It scared him a bit.

»»——>Time Skip<——««

The show had just ended and the people where walking out of Big top. Talk about the show filling the air, and the small group where talking about the topic as well. "Did you see that dude just eat that fire!!! Like it didn't go out in his mouth, it was light the whole time!!!" Puppy said with a bit of jump in her step. "Yea! And those two acrobats fencing on the tightrope gave me goosebumps!" Roman said as he jokingly rubbed his arms, "what was your favorite part Adam?" He asked the boy. He had been quite every since they saw the clowns and it made the over dressed boy a little worried. He seemed to snap out of his mind with that question, "huh-? Oh, I think it was all cool a guess" when shrugged.

"Oh don't lie dude. We all saw your starting at the clown show like you just found the meaning of your life" Pup said with a chuckle, "I thought you didn't even clowns, don't tell us your going to run away and become one" Roman joked. Adam's face turn a little shade of pink in embarrassment, "oh shut it!!!", they laughed more. He just shoved his hands into his pockets and speed walk passed them. But he was shortly stopped when he bumped into something or, more accurately, someone.

He rubbed his forehead a bit and was about to yell at whoever was in front of him but stopped when he saw the pastel blue, purple, pink, and yellow cloth in front of him. He slowly looked up and saw the clown girl from earlier holding some balloons. "Ong!!! I'm so sorry!!! I wasn't looking where I was going and I wasn't trying to bump into you" he said frantically. He stared a bit in shock, did he just apologize to someone? Let alone someone he doesn't even know.

The girl just giggled a bit, "it's fine little dude. I know you didn't mean it, you where angry after all" she patted the top of his head as he blushed a bit, "y-yea, but still. Sorry" he looked down at his feet. "It's cool, just look where your going next time" she smiled before walking of to a mother and her toddler

He blushed as he watched her and his friends caught up, what was with him today.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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