Chapter 15 - Paula Abdul

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** long chapter ahead**

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** long chapter ahead**

When Jennie said she'd call her, Rosé thought it would be the next day but apparently what Jennie meant was she'd text the day after. It was a short text that simply said Jennie had gotten really busy prepping for her reading. Rosé had then waited for another text inviting her to the reading, but one never came.

Rosé had ended up going to David Martinez and asking him where and when this event was. She wanted to go, even if Jennie didn't invite her. She had finished both of Jennie's stories and, as she expected, she loved them. Jennie was an amazing writer and Rosé was sure she'd write a hundred books one day.

Even though Jennie had said they were fine, Rosé was starting to think they weren't. She wished she had never suggested that stupid arrangement. It was her fault things were weird now. She had turned Jennie down and now Jennie didn't want to be around her. Rosé rubbed her eyes, stopping the tears that she felt forming. She didn't want to cry in front of everyone at The Bean while she sat drinking her iced tea. She didn't want to cry thinking about how it was looking like all Jennie had wanted from her was practice teaching and sex.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Rosé looked up to see her best friend, looking at her with such concern and love in her eyes, it made Rosé want to cry more.

"Girl, what's the matter?" Ashley asked again, going to hug Rosé from behind.


Ashley let her go and sat in the empty seat in front of her. "Don't even give me that. What is it?"

Rosé took a deep breath and began to tell Ashley everything. After she finished her story, Ashley was pissed.

"I'm going to kill Jennie!" Ashley said with such anger Rosé actually believed she'd do it.

"No, don't do that! I don't want you to go to jail! This is my fault. It was my idea."

"So, you change your mind, and she cuts you off? Fuck her"

Rosé was shocked at Ashley's anger. "Ashley! That's mean. I thought you two were friends."

"We were until she upset you. You come first Rosie," Ashley said, "You know I'll always take your side no matter what."

"She's probably really busy. She does have that reading today, and she probably lost track of time. It's only been a day...and you know, I could have called her."

"Stop," Ashley said raising her hand, "Don't make excuses for her. Let me talk to her and..."

"NO!" Rosé practically shouted, "Don't. Just leave it, OK? I'll handle this."


"Please let it go Ashley," Rosé begged, "Please."

Ashley looked like she was going to continue to argue but stopped herself. She crossed her arms and sighed. "Fine."

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