Chapter 8 : Love struck

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It's chapter 8 and you have already seen the name of the chapter so I'll let you guess what might happen 😏
Technoblade's POV: It was kinda hard to get through all of the people swinging there swords around to clash on other swords but in the end I finally made it and I felt the warm sun on my shoulders and the breeze in my hair, I wondered where Dream was so we could talk more but I couldn't find him and some random person walked right up to me and I started to freak out.

Eret: Hay there, I haven't seen you around here before.... Are you new here??

Technoblade: Y-yes and I'm kinda lost, and I also need to go talk to Dream.

Eret: Dream? Oh he is in the knights room where the knight of light goes to rest..

Technoblade: Oh I'm actually a knight myself.

Eret: Pffft no silly there is only one kings knight...

Narrator/me: It took Eret a while to realize that Techno wasn't from the light side, but before Eret could scream out that the knight from the other side was here Techno real quickly putted his hand over Eret's mouth and took him and Eret into a near closet room.

Eret: Please don't kill me I'm too young to die!

Technoblade: Okay first of all you don't look young at all, you look like your 22 years old, and second of all I'm not gonna hurt you, your not my enemy.

Eret: But isn't all people from the other side bad?

Technoblade: No we aren't, you just think so because of all the fake things you keep on hearing from us, Now can you please don't tell anyone?

Eret: Why do you even want to be over here?

Technoblade: Because you have no idea how it feels to be in complete darkness and never get to see the light and feel the breeze in your face and just can do anything in the green grass....

Eret: Oh.....i never knew that it's that bad over there......

Technoblade: Yes it's terrible, so please can you not tell anyone.....

Eret: I promise, and I cross my heart.

Technoblade: Thank you.

Narrator/me: After Eret agreed both Techno and Eret left the closet that they both went in different ways, Techno went to the left where the stairs were to go to the knights room while Eret went the opposite direction but to go tell his friends about the news...

Narrator/me: Techno made it to the knights room and knocked on the door and Dream opens it and lets Techno enter, Dream also closed the door but also locked it so no one can barge in and see that Techno was from the other side.

Dream: You finally made it!

Technoblade: Yea, it took a while but I'm here, oh I met someone.

Dream: Wait who??

Technoblade: This kid named Eret.

Dream: OH NO!

Technoblade: What's wrong?

Dream: Eret is gonna tell you out!

Technoblade: No don't worry, he said that he wouldn't tell anyone...

Dream: Oh....Good

Technoblade: So what do you wanna do right now? *decides to sit on the bed*

Dream: *Thought in head* I kinda wanna do sex......................

Technoblade: Well?

Dream: Oh......uh I don't really know..... What do you wanna do?

Technoblade: *Gets up from where he was sitting and goes towards Dream* I know what your thinking Dream.

Dream: *in head* What! How did he know!?

Technoblade: *grabs Dreams hands and takes Dream to the bed*

Dream: W-wait......why a-are you doing th-this?

Technoblade: because I kinda fell in love with you too ever since we started to know each other more

Dream: *blushes too* R-really?

Technoblade: Yes, now can we continue?

Dream: Y- yes..

Technoblade: Good *makes Dream lay on the bed*
Oof cliff hanger well sorta :P
Don't worry chapter 9 coming up!

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