Part 1-Dreamer

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Her eyes drifted open. For a moment, she smiled, as she was still lost in her dreamland. Then, like every other morning, she sighed. It all came crashing down. She remembered every instance, every reason why she hated this life. She hated the way her blond hair drifted down to her waist, the way it was uneven, the way the pale shade of gold made her face look even more ghostly. She didn't hate herself, though. She hated the world. There was one thing, however, that she cherished about her face. Her eyes. They were green, a green the color of a forest at twilight, the color of the leaves that shimmered in the oncoming moonlight. She liked them, though, because she thought that they made her look a bit like a fairy, the kind that haunted her dreams each night.

She sat up, groggily rubbing her eyes, before falling back down onto the mattress. Oh, what a life. She sighed a second time before slowly getting up. Like every morning, she went to her window and peered out, sighing a third and final time when she found out it was still the boring old forest, half the trees burned to the ground because of a forest fire in previous years.

She did the usual routine; take a shower, brush her teeth, brush her hair, throw on some clothes, and race downstairs. Her mom always said she spent much too long daydreaming, and that's why she was constantly late for school. She couldn't help it, though. All she wanted was to write happy ending to her oh so miserable life. After all, her dreams were all set in faerie. A place where worries drifted to the sunset, and wishes were granted with a simple nod. The problem was, they were just dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2015 ⏰

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