Is he really an enemy? Luclight 🤍💜

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Ship in this chapter: Luca x Light

Overview: Light had always been enemies with Luca since they both seemed to like Charli. At least that's what Light thought.

(Light POV)

Today was the day I was going to ask Charli out. I got in a outfit I liked and got some other things for Charli. I texted Charli to meet him at the park near them. I got there early and was waiting for Charli to arrive.

A few minutes later..

Charli arrived at the park. I was super excited but my excitement faded when I saw Luca with her. "Ugh why does he always have to be in the way of my relationship with Charli."

 Charli: "I decided to bring Luca! Is that ok Light?"

Light: "Yes that's totally fine." He said grinding his teeth.

Light was irritated. He wanted it to be only Charli and him so he could confess to her but Luca had to be there.

Light: "Charli can we talk.. in private.."

Charli: "Sure!"

Light brought Charli to a private area of the park where Luca was farther away.

Light: "Charli I really like you and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me."

Charli: "I'm really sorry Light but I have feelings for someone else. I do know that someone else likes you."

Light: "I-its fine.."

Light ran away with tears dropping down his face. All the love he had for Charli had been put to waste. He ran past everyone not caring what people thought he just wanted to get away. Luca saw Light and began to chase after him. 

Luca: "Light wait!"

Light: "It's all your fault Luca your the one Charli has feelings for!"

Light eventually ran out of breath and had no idea where he was. "Great now I'm lost." He sat down to catch his breath. A few seconds later Luca, who had still followed him sat down by him.

Light: "What do you want..."

Luca: "I just wanted to let you know that I only see Charli as a friend and I like someone else. The reason why I went along with Charli to the park was to confess my feelings for that person."

Light: "Oh.. I'm really sorry for saying its your fault.. and for the way I have treated you. You deserve a better friend than me.."

Luca: "Don't worry its alright. Its kinda my fault for never telling you that earlier. There is one more thing I wanted to tell you. Light I really like you more than a friend. You were the person I wanted to confess to at the park. I know you hate me, but I just wanted to tell you how I feel."

Luca got up and waved before Light could get the chance to speak. "He likes me?" Light thought to himself. 

A few days later..

Light thought about what Luca said. Did he really think of him as an enemy? "I mean he has really been nice to me these past few days." He said to himself. After for thinking for a for a few days Light made his decision. 

Light: "Hey Luca.."

Luca: "Oh hey Light!"

"That angelic voice of his." Light thought to himself. A slight blush appeared on his face.

Light: "I was thinking about what you said a few days ago."

Luca: "Oh really?"

Light: "Yeah. I wanted to tell you that I also have feelings for you. You have been so nice to me even though I've been a jerk to you."

Light grabbed Luca's hand.

Light: "Will you be my boyfriend Luca?"

Luca: "Of course!"

Light: "I love you Luca."

Luca: "I love you too Light."

They gave each other a big hug. Happy tears formed in their eyes. Neither of them had never felt so happy before.

Omg I love this ship so much! I really enjoyed making this but its kinda bad at the same time tho-

Word Count: 663 words

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