Chapter Nine

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Word Count: 4936


Don't hate me, but I'm changing time this story is written in. I figured it's much easier writing a PoV story in present tense than past tense. Hope you won't mind too much.

I'm not sure I can manage to edit the first eight chapters, I don't really have time for it, but it also won't change anything about this book.

Marinette's PoV:

I could feel all those gazes on my skin when I exit the same car as Adrien does. Of course people from my- well, our school knew him. But I didn't think they'd look at me like that.

Most of the students have disgust written all over their faces. Not because of Adrien, because of me.

I don't have too good of a reputation at the school. Quite the contrary actually.

I would give rude answers to stupid questions, because Papa used to tell me if someone didn't want a sarcastic answer, they shouldn't ask a stupid question.

Maybe it wasn't the best advice I've ever gotten from my Papa, but I used to live up to it. And I still do.

'There's no such thing as a stupid question', that's what every always says, but that's total bullshit. Stupid questions do exist.

One of the stupidest questions someone has ever asked me was "Are your parents actually owner of a bakery?" Maybe it wasn't too stupid, but she was one of my closest friends. She had seen me walk in and out of my parents bakery every single day when she was waiting for me in front of the school building.

And well, my answer was: "No, my parents sold me to the owner of that bakery there. I'm living in their basement. They don't want to seem suspicious though, so I'm allowed to go to school."

But there are worst questions. Everyone knows stupid questions exists. I think it's just a way to sooth someone or make a following question seem less awkward. But they're triggering me so much. And I will continue to give stupid answers to stupid questions, even if that means everyone will hate me.

Adrien is kind enough to hold the car door open for me, and helps me out of the car. Which, I think, is the actual reason people are staring at me. Not only did I come out of the same care, no, the smoking hot model boy actually takes my hand too.

"What's good, Dupichen?" Some guy from my class asks, nodding at me when Adrien and I pass him on the stairs.

Kim and I never really got along. He doesn't even speak to me, usually. Sometimes he walks up to me just to argue with me, but I'm always being saved by Alix, his girlfriend. I don't think they truly fit together, but I guess they're both really competitive, which makes it kind of work?

Oh, and yeah, he calls me Dupichen. It's so annoying. I tried telling him my last name is Dupain-Cheng ever since first grade, but he just refuses to learn it. Or he knows it and just loves annoying me. Either way, I can't stand this guy.

All I want to do it spit "It's Agreste now" right into that semi-attractive face of his. But I bite my tongue because I promised I would show Adrien to the principals office.

Adrien made me wear a blank skirt, which, unfortunately, loves flying up until my ass is exposed. I guess he knew that would happen, because he keeps his hand on my ass this whole time. Not that I truly care, but this is school. I can't have people call me a whore now as well. It's bad enough that they call me other things other than my name. I don't need yet another label.

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