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Jimins pov

"I HAVE TO GO INTO THE GIRLS SCHOOL?!! WHY?!" my eomma sighs "because I have some teaching to do and I need someone to carry my things and as my son you need to do as I say. Now let's go"

I pick up her things that she needs and she looks at me "the school is over now jimin. No girls will be in the school don't worry" I nod "yeah yeah"

We walk to the girls school where I saw the pretty girl this morning and I smile a little thinking of her

I need to message her later..
She was so pretty.

We walk into the school and into a classroom. I raise an eyebrow "boys just walk into the school once girls have left?" I see a boy inside another classroom
Eomma shrugs "I guess so..atleast it's not a girl so you don't need to worry"

I nod "I suppose so" we sort some things out and a girl  walks into the classroom "Mrs Park? Do you mind if we.. If we talk?" she nods "of course... Are you a teacher here?" she shakes her head "N-no! I was just...i need to talk to someone...in private"

She nods and then taps my arm "go and take these to the office" I nod "yeah okay" I walk out the classroom holding the floders

I gasp when someone bumps into me "whoa!" I drop the folders and huff seeing the boy who was in the other classroom on the floor.
He gasps "I'm so sorry!" he starts to pick up the folders

I crouch down and pick them up too. Our hands brush against one another and he jolts back "NO!" he shuffles away from me. I stare at him "dude calm down. Jesus christ.you got a germ phobia or something" he shoves the folders to my chest and rushes to his feet and then runs out of the school

He was rude...

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