Chapter 3(pt 2) Jake's "gift"

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This chapter may be confusing to the Plot of the story.
And it may need to be rewritten in the future as it's own chapter.
Which if you want  then let me know.)

At the Sterling household..
An old friend was facing a problem as well..
Jake went to the bathroom/restroom,
Knowing that his family were still sleeping and were deeply asleep
So he wouldn't worry about waking them up by whatever he was/is about to do...
What was he about to do...?
Let's find out.

Jake: *Opened the bathroom door,
Turned on the lights, closed the door, and then placed the sound blockers he bought
(How did he buy them?
Well, that is for another part/chapter of the story.), He then looks at himself in the mirror* What is going on with me..?
I broke down the door to the science room..
I snapped and yelled at Hailey..
I know I was just very angry..
But I just didn't know what to do..
I was just So F_cking Angry..
What's wrong with me??
Am I going insane??
What am I going to do..??
*He places his hands on his head,
Then cries for a short moment*


"Huh??" Jake said as he heard the voice.
"Who said That??"


Jake looks at the mirror to see his reflection
But in a pitch black background.
Which also revealed a fang-filled smile
And the same eyes Zander's nightmare had.

Jake shouted a little in fear.

"Hey, don't worry..
I'm not going to hurt you.."

Jake: W-What..?

"I don't intend on hurting you.."

Jake: Um... Alright then..
W-Why are you here then..?

"I am only here to help you see the truth a bit further.."

Jake: W-What do you mean by that..?

"I mean as in you should know that Zander isn't the only one with those intentions.. except the world is full of those whom do it on purpose.."

Jake: R-Really..?

The earth is full of monsters whom abuse and kill others for their own sick, twisted, amusement.."

Jake: Oh...

And only one can help take them down.."

Jake: Who..? Who can do that..?


Jake: M-Me..?

"Yes.. That's right.."

Jake: But... Those people have guns
And knives.. What if I get shot or stabbed..?
Won't I die..??

"Oh, don't worry..
Let's just say you have a gift.."

Jake became a bit confused for a moment.

Jake: A gift? *The reflection nodded*
What type of gift?

"Why don't we find out..?
Open the drawers and look for a pair of scissors.."

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