I stretched and let out a yawn. I rubbed my eyes and rolled out of bed. I then put on my slippers and walked to the bathroom to freshened up. It was the first day of school and I, like any other 17 year old, hated it. But you could say I hated it a little extra. I wore skinny jeans, a simple shirt, sneakers and then I ruffled my hair to the side. I decided to skip breakfast and wait for lunch. I swung my bag over my shoulder and headed out to start the day. I walked to school since it wasn't that far and got to class right as the bell rang. I put my bag down and sat at the seat next to the window. I crossed my arms, staying in my own little bubble. Students started flooding into class and the chatter of everyone grew louder. Everyone took a seat next to their friends and I averted my eyes and opened my bag to get a book out. I had no friends ,and it was because of me if I'm being honest. When my parents passed I had one heck of an attitude. I lost everyone. I couldn't keep up with friends and social life, so some of these "friends" even came to hate me from how distant I got. It wasn't my fault, and I would do it again if I had to. I saw their true colors after that. I drowned myself in my studies and only focused on my grades ever since.
"Settle down everyone. Settle down." Someone said. "My name is Mrs. Sarah and I'll be your math teacher this year." A middle aged woman walked in. "Before we get started, we have a new student. Please come in." She gestured to someone with a smile. I put my book down only out of respect for the teacher. I couldn't care less who walked in. A lean tall guy came in with his head down. He wore an all black outfit. Black jeans, a black hoodie, and black sneakers. She smiled at him, but he kept looking down. He never looked back at her. She awkwardly fidgeted and walked closer to him. "Please introduce yourself." She said.
"My name is Kent Raphael. Call me Rafe." He muttered. He kept a frown and aimed an intimidating glare at everyone as he spoke.
"Thank you Rafe. You may sit down next to Miss-" she looked at me expectantly.
"Alice Sommer." I answered. She gave me a smile and motioned for him to sit down. He came over and sat at the desk next to mine. Well, at least he didn't seem talkative. I sighed and the teacher went on with some introductions for the course. I opened my book from below my desk and continued to read without her noticing. I felt eyes burning into me and looked at Rafe.
"Yes?" I asked him as he stared nonchalantly. He then gave me an eerie smile, cocked his eyebrows, and then slowly stuck his tongue to the side of his mouth with a smirk. I felt myself shudder and looked back in front of me. I then heard him chuckle. I gulped and took a deep breath. I started fidgeting while reading as his eyes kept burning into me. This went on for all our classes, needless to say I've never been this uncomfortable in my life. I glanced at him from time to time, but he didn't care one bit. Teacher after teacher came in and he still kept at it. I couldn't have been happier when it was finally time for lunch.
The bell rang and I quickly got up to go to the cafeteria. I walked in line, got my food, and sat alone at my usual table. I started unwrapping my sandwich and heard someone stomp over. Monica. No one really paid me attention — no one but only one person, Monica. She was my best friend, but after I distanced myself from everyone, she changed. Saying she was a mean girl didn't come close to what she was. She became a conceited bully to say the least. I spotted her at the end of the room and she came over to mock me for absolutely no reason. Of course. I sighed and looked down as she approached.
"Hey Alice! Still popular I see." She snickered with a hand on her waist.
"Hey Monica! Still an idiot I see." I retorted with a frown.
"Watch it filth face." She hissed through a fake smile. She came closer and suddenly pinched my arm as hard as she could from below the table. I gasped and teared up from the pain. I didn't have time to react as she quickly let go and looked up at her approaching boyfriend. My mouth fell agape from shock and pain.
"Monica?" Tyler came over.
"Hey baby!" She quirkily said and turned to him with a grin. I was still in shock and rubbed my arm where she pinched me. It became red and I tried rubbing the pain away.
"Oh, hey Alice." Tyler awkwardly greeted. I gave him a little smile and Monica quickly grabbed his hand.
"Let's go eat babe!" She said and dragged him away. He kept looking back at me confused. He's not an idiot. He knew she was probably up to something, but I guess he just shrugged it off. With no energy for any of this, I decided to just go sit alone in the classroom.
I got up and my eyes landed on Rafe. He was peering at me from a distance near the hall. I looked at him with a frown and looked down to get my sandwich. When I looked back, he wasn't there. I shook it off and just walked back to class.
When I walked in, I found Rafe sitting at his desk. I sat down at my desk beside him and got out my book. He suddenly grabbed my arm and eyed it thoroughly. I looked at him, dumbfounded. His eyes landed on the bruise Monica left on my arm. I looked down, feeling humiliated that he saw that. I decided to just let him see it. I had no energy to do anything by now. He placed two fingers with the bruise in the middle. I looked back at him confused. All of a sudden he brought his fingers together and pinched the same spot. I yelled out in pain.
"What are you doing!" I got up and yelled with tears in my eyes. I rubbed my arm and breathed frantically. "Why would you do that!" I yelled again at the top of my lungs. Silence. He smirked and crossed his arms.
"I can, can't I?" He broke the silence with a high pitched laugh. I slowly stepped away. His shoulders shook as he laughed hysterically and clutched his stomach with his head thrown back.
"W-what are you talking about!" I yelled. "No you can't!" I harshly scolded, looking straight into his eyes. He looked back down with a grin. I was so confused, I didn't know what to do. I blinked the tears away and took my book. I walked over to the other end of the classroom and sat down. What the heck was that! I reluctantly glanced over at him. He had a metal ruler out and had the sleeve of his hoodie rolled up. He started tracing lines on his arm with the ruler. No. Not again. I was able to make out many scratches on his arm and started to feel the hair on my neck stand up. I slowly closed my book and hesitantly got up. I walked towards him, trying to control my breathing and be as calm as possible. I came up right behind him and he didn't stop making little marks with his ruler. I softly touched his shoulder before the metal ruler came slicing at my arm.
His chair screeched and he jolted out of his seat. I was so shocked, I didn't notice the blood trickling down my arm.
"D-don't touch me again!" He screamed. I stared at him wide eyed. Tears formed in my eyes as I gasped at the blood going down my arm.

My psycho
RomanceCOMPLETED A new boy joins the class and is anything but ordinary. Rafe is frantic, reckless, and unpredictable. He takes a seat next to the orphaned Alice and both of their lives take a sharp turn. The innocent orphaned girl finds herself trapped in...