Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen : Meeting Meghan

January 10, 2017

When Harry and Meghan had returned from a trip, they went to Kensington Palace so that Meghan could meet Catherine and Sinderella.

Meghan already put off Sinderella since she had been trying to get close to Sinderella for a long time. Now that Meghan was dating Harry and Sinderella knew she had to play nice or deal with an angry Harry, she did not feel like dealing with the stress since she found out she was thirteen weeks pregnant.

During the meeting, Meghan gave Catherine a leather notebook as a late birthday present.

Catherine thanked Meghan and watched as Meghan gave a lot of attention to Charlotte. Catherine kept sending glances to Sinderella, who also paid close attention to Meghan's interaction with Charlotte.

Arthur noticed the vibes coming from the two women, so he tried to keep Harry from seeing that Catherine and Sinderella were wary of Meghan.

The meeting ended with Catherine letting Meghan know that she was always welcome to contact her if she needed anything,

Sinderella nodded in agreement. Harry thanked everyone for being so kind to Meghan, and they left.

William let out a sigh.

"Is that the same woman who has been trying to get close to you, Sinderella?" William asked.

"Yes, I can't believe she managed to get Harry to date her," Sinderella answered.

"She can't be that bad," Arthur said.

Sinderella shook her head.

"I know a social climber when I see you. Trust me; she's bad news," Sinderella said.

January 21, 2017

The Duchess of Ancaster Suffers Miscarriage Just Weeks After Christmas

The Duke and Duchess of Ancaster lost their first baby, a spokesperson for the couple confirmed to PEOPLE

The Duchess of Ancaster has suffered a miscarriage, her spokeswoman confirms to PEOPLE. She was pregnant with her first child with husband The Duke of Ancaster.

"Very sadly, The Duke and Duchess have lost their baby," the spokesperson said a statement on Saturday. "At this difficult time, we ask that everyone respects their privacy."

In late December, the couple had found out that they were expecting their first child and that they were "thrilled." They had planned to announce the pregnancy this week.

The couple was last spotted attending the royal family's annual Christmas service.

February 2, 2017

New patronage announced for The Duchess of Ancaster

Published 2 February 2017

The Duchess of Ancaster has today become Royal Patron of Miscarriage Association.

To mark her new patronage, The Duchess is visiting Miscarriage Association where she will join families supported by the organization.

The Miscarriage Association was founded in 1982 by a group of people who had experienced miscarriage and we continue to offer support and information to anyone affected by the loss of a baby in pregnancy, to raise awareness and to promote good practice in medical care.

Miscarriage can be a very unhappy, frightening and lonely experience.

The Miscarriage Association acknowledges the distress associated with pregnancy loss and strives to make a positive difference to those it affects.

Everyone affected by pregnancy loss gets the care, support, and information that's right for them. No-one suffers preventable harm from pregnancy loss.


I had asked Zara to come with me to visit the miscarriage association as we both had recently suffered from miscarriages.

I have been privately visiting the charity for weeks after I suffered my miscarriage and felt that they were doing good work that needed to be in the spotlight, so I asked to be their royal patron to bring awareness to their work in the community.

"Thank you for letting me tag along," Zara said.

I looked at her and smiled.

"No, you need this as much as I do; you have been so brave talking about the miscarriage that I wanted you to meet other women who can help us get through this," I said.

Zara nodded.

"Yes," Zara said.

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