The Meeting

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Laura and her boyfriend are obsessed with each other. It used to be when me and Laura hung out we would barely touch our phones and it would just be us two against everything else. But all that changed after Zach. Even thought they've only been dating a week it seems like forever. That's how annoying it is. Don't get me wrong I'm happy for her and I'm glad Zach makes her so happy but every time me and Laura hangout now all she is doing if facetiming Zach and she barely talks to me anymore. It sucks. I've never really had a boyfriend before so I cant really say I get why they act like this. The only time I ever kissed a boy was 6 months ago in January. Laura had a thing with this guy Ben at the time and they were going to a news years party and of course I went. I spent most of the night talking to Laura and Bens friend Caleb. Later that night me Laura, Ben, and Caleb went to Laura's house and Ben and Laura left to go hook up in her room leaving me and Caleb downstairs, alone. We sat in silence for a while then Caleb kissed me. First kiss ever on new years. You cant tell me that isn't a cool story to tell your kids. Anyways after that Caleb and I hung out once and then he never talked to me again. Probably because when he kissed me he was high then once he was sober he realized how much of a dud I really was. Haven't kissed a guy or even talked to one in that way since. It seemed so difficult and not worth while. But it was easy for Laura. She always had a guy sucking up to her for something whether it was sex, loneliness or just out of pure boredom she didn't care. She I think just liked the idea of a man paying somewhat attention to her.

One day when I was at Laura's she of course was on the phone with Ben. Ben was also hanging out with his friends and they were all just talking to Laura then a guy that I've never seen before comes into the frame of the facetime call. He stops and looks at us on the phone. I could tell just by looking a him that he was high out of his mind. He had blonde hair that was in a middle part and he was wearing very baggy clothes and carrying a bottle of whiskey. After a long pause he walks away after just saying hi. A couple minutes later Ben comes back into frame and tells me "Claire that guy that just said hi to you guys thought you were cute, would you be cool if I gave him your number?" As those words were coming out of Bens mouth Laura was already giving me a look of Claire you better do this and put yourself out there or else you'll never hear the end of it. Laura was always encouraging me to try and find a new boy after my what we call "situationship" with Caleb was over. Id always denied it and tried my hardest to just stay away from things like that but at the same time I knew Laura really genuinely wanted me to make an effort, so I asked ben "What's his name?"

"Josh Miller, he's our age and he goes to our school." Ben says very upbeat as Laura is still giving me that pleading look. I still stay silent unsure looking at Laura.

"He's our age and he goes to our school" Ben adds on. I can feel Laura's stare dig deeper on me. I know the longer I wait to say something the worse its going to get. "Okay since you know him I guess that's cool". I finally reply. Ben leaves the frame of the phone to go find Josh and I look back at Laura. I don't think Ive seen her this shocked but also happy. "I cant believe it. You actually finally are accepting the fact that some guys want to talk to you. Never thought Id live to see the day" she jokes. Little did she know I wasn't planning on texting him I just said that so she could get off my ass but all I heard for the rest of the night once we were off the phone with Ben was Laura begging me to text Josh. She wouldn't shut up about it, even the next morning its all she would talk about. I finally caved and agreed to send the bare minimum of texts.

C: Hi

J: Hey this is Claire right?

C: Yes.

That was all I was planning on sending. Just that maybe a how are you but nothing else. I didn't want to get Laura's hopes up to high. A couple days went by and what started with me saying "hey what's up" once or twice as planned, turned into us texting and actually getting to know each other. After about two weeks later we were facetiming for hours on end so I figured it was finally time to tell Laura that for the first time in a long fucking time. I'm admitting to liking a guy, but not Just any guy. Josh fucking Miller.

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