June 24, 2020. 10:00AM

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Josh and I talked for 9 days before we met for the first time. I had a lot of firsts with Josh, but of course I didn't know that yet. I had never talked to my parents about guys let alone bringing one over. Josh said we couldn't hangout at his house because he was in the middle of moving. Therefore I had to man up and finally tell my parents about something. They had a lot of questions that I didn't know the answer to.

"What's his parents names?"

"What do his parents do?"

"Does he have any siblings?"

It was then that I realized, I knew absolutely nothing about this boy or his family, yet here I was inviting him to my house. He came over June 24th, 2020. 10:00am. Like I've mentioned a million times before I had absolutely no experience with this sort of human interaction. Ever. After a very long hour and a half walk around my town of us talking and getting to know each other, he kissed me. This tall dirty blonde, blue eyed boy was kissing me. In that moment I was absolutely changed in a way that I never thought was possible. The problem with this is every time I think back to this moment a thought passes through my head.

"If you knew what this man was going to do to you so far in the future, would you stay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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