you and i (forever)

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        "IN THE BEGINNING, all of space was contained in a single point, from which the universe has been expanding ever since," Lou recites keenly as she diligently analyses her physics textbook.

        Her expression plummets when her mother, Teresa, slaps her upside the head. "In the beginning," Teresa corrects, staring daggers at her child, "God created the heavens and the Earth. Irás al infierno, Lourdes, if you keep reading that Satan's book. All this physics nonsense is just that!"

        Lou slams her book with a bang! , scowling at her mother with routine degrees of exasperation. "It's science, Mamá, not nonsense. Science is theories, and facts, an-and truth!"

        Teresa's palm lurches from its position on her hip and Lou recoils, out of instinct. Beatings are a punishment she's all too familiar with.

        "The only truth is that I'll kick you out of this damn house, if you keep talking that way! Estoy enfermo y cansado de tu mierda, Lourdes! Today is día de San Valentín, for God's sake. You should be out there," Teresa indicates heatedly, "Having dinner with a nice, handsome boy! But no, Lourdes is too good for boys, for her family, for anyone or anything but that damn book!"

        Lou gasps, her eyes gathering with rheum. She blinks several times, looking away so the satisfaction etched onto her mother's features is hidden from view.

        Out of sight, out of mind, as they say.

        "It's Lou," she corrects, her voice breaking, "And if I bother you so fucking much, I'll go somewhere else, alright? I didn't mean to intrude on my own home!"

        Lou doesn't stick around for another lecture, instead seizing her textbook and bustling out the door, leaving a fractious mother in her wake.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

        Indie Rao is roughly half a second away from downing a bottle of bleach in order to escape the nightmare that is her family.

        "Indira, Indira, Indira!" they chime, iterating like clockwork.

        "- What are you studying now, Indira?"

        "- Do you need help, Indira? My graduate studies focus on this very topic - at a much higher level, of course - and I'm top of the class!"

        "- Remember when we studied that in college, Jay?"

        "- Of course I remember, Deepa, it was the best time of my life!"

        "- You know, Indira, your brother's graduate studies focus on this very topic - at a much higher level, of course - and he's top of the class!"

        They continue prattling like garrulous fools as Indie moans in agony, pounding her head against her physics textbook until finally, she's freed by the resonating doorbell.

        All conversation abruptly halts. "A customer! A customer!"

        Indie's parents, Jay and Deepa, scramble to the front entrance whilst her brother, Shiv, leans against the kitchen door with his arms crossed, attempting (and failing) to look suave. Indie rolls her eyes before zeroing in on her textbook, thus beginning a night's worth of assiduous studying.

        "You look like shit," Shiv mutters lowly, "You might wanna doll up a bit, sis. For all you know, the fat, old Punjab who walks through that door could be your only shot at true love."

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