🥀Chapter Six🥀

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It was after six in the night. Devin told me to be ready by seven so I was currently doing my hair. I made it into a bun before placing my small nub earrings in my ear. I decided on another black slippers that I had which had straps that reached my mid - leg.

I found my black purse and put some items in it to make it feel heavy - persons do that all the time. I glanced in the mirror once more. Small waist, very visible hips and my cleavage was full on display. I hope I didn't overdressed or dressed inappropriately because I wouldn't live the embarrassment down.

I left the room and started going downstairs. I slowed my steps when I noticed another man in a suit standing typing away on his phone. He had about the same height as Devin and he had a darker complexion to him. He was so deep in his phone that he didn't even notice my presence when I neared him.

"Hi", I say as his eyes met mine instantly. He looked me up and down before doing the last thing I expected. Licking his lips.

I turned my head away with a deep groan.

"Hi beautiful, what's your name? I'm Hans, nice to meet you".

I didn't answer. I kept my mouth shut knowing full well that he was staring at me like a prey. That's the thing with today's men - they don't know you who you are yet they lust after you like there's always a possibility that you'll want them. I mean it's a natural instinct to admire something pretty but that's not the way you approach it.

"You seem like you don't talk much ; are you Devin's girlfriend?".

Before I could utter a single word I saw him coming down the stairs in the suit. He looked even better with his looking shiny with tons of hair oil and a small rose on the pocket.

"You look interesting", the guy Hans said before they shared a manly hug.

"Nice to see you again bro, seems like you met Vanessa", he said as Hans looked at me with the brightest smile I think I've ever seen. I didn't really want to be around him.

"Yes I have, is she your girlfriend?"

"What! No", Devin said laughing before reaching into his pocket for his keys.

"Let's go, we don't wanna be late and oh, vanessa you look wonderful"

I didn't have time to say thanks because he walked past us and we followed fast on his trail. I suppose he really doesn't wanna be late for this party. A party that I was attending as well. He probably knows half the people that was gonna be there.

I got into Devin's car and his brother got into his. It was a white Benz with a somewhat quirky painting on the car door. I guess he really wanted his car to stand out.

"You don't have to worry, it won't be as bad as you ought it to be. Just stay close to me and don't drink too much, the liquor is mixed personally strong. I don't want to see you wasted", he ended with a small laugh.

I smiled to myself as I looked out the window. I haven't drink alcohol in about a year now. When I use to dance I use to drink it alot because a sometimes I wasn't exactly myself and I know if I failed at my job I would make Zed angry. Just thking about his name made me feel a mixture of emotions.

Just relax. I breathed in and out slowly. I shouldn't focus on anything else but tonight. I knew I was gonna feel uncomfortable and unwanted alot but as long as I stay out of everyone's way I'll be fine.



The place was packed with all types of expensive cars. It was like a party was keeping for the president. After Devin parked he exited and so did I. His hand reached behind my back and he guided me along with him as we made our way down the walkway. I glanced behind me to see his brother who's eyes were fixated on my lower body.

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