🥀Chapter Seven🥀

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"I'm glad you came, nice dress by the way".

"Thanks", I replied before taking a sip of my cocktail which consisted of lime and also coconut.

We came back inside a little earlier and Julia and I have were having a conversation at the side of the room. After what Devin told me about Mordechai I developed this uneasy feeling. All I knew was that I didn't want to get involved with him at all, especially after what he did to my arm. He was rich and one wrong move from me could lead to something I didn't want.

"So, how is your work coming on?"

"Its fine", I say before glancing up stairs to see him talking to a woman dressed in a knee length dress. She screamed luxury from her matching accessories to the way her hair was designed.

"Oh, my husband is here", Julia said before walking off towards a man with a small beard but he wasn't the slightest unattractive. I also noticed the guy beside him and his name started to ring many bells in my ear. Matteo. His suit was more for the carnival as it was a dark pink colour and was fitted tightly. I wonder...

"Care to dance?"

This was my second time I got frightened. It was a bad habit to do that to people. The guy was smiling away as if he just won the lottery and cashed out. He was dressed in a navy blue suit and his hair was neat to say the least.

"Thank you for admiring my attire, now can I have a dance?".

Was I admiring him?. He was getting the wrong idea. I wasn't even interested in talking to any strangers when I came here.

"I'm sorry but am not interested" I say but he didn't move from beside me. Instead his lips formed in a smirk and he stepped closer to me.

"Its just a dance beautiful, you don't have to be interested".

I didn't know whether I should be annoyed or just give him the dance. I groaned before putting my glass down and my purse knowing full well no one would try to steal it. I took his hand as he grinned before pulling me to the middle of the floor. The music had changed to a slow romantic song which I found irritating. I don't like anything that has to do with romance especially the cliche movies.

Almost everyone was dancing to the song ; some men with their wives or other random people. I was dancing with a stranger that couldn't keep his hands from wandering further down to my backside.

"So what's your name gorgeous?", he said into my ear as my eyes caught Devin who gave me a thumbs up. I groaned deeply before shaking my head disapprovingly.

"Its vanessa", I replied with no emotion as I continued to move slowly towards the beat of the music.

"Well vanessa, I'm Keith and its very nice to meet you", he replied holding me tighter. Before I could pull away before things get an further, I noticed Mordechai's eyes on me. He had an expression I couldn't quite read which made me wonder what was going on inside his arrogant mind.

Probably thinking of a way to get me out of this place.

I continued to dance not taking my eyes off him. This time when Keith brought his hand lower I pinched his side very hard. He groaned before putting his hands back on my waist. I felt satisfaction as I half smiled to myself- still not taking my eye off him.


My feet hurt but not as bad as when I would leave work. The party was basically over and Devin had some important things to do tomorrow so he wanted to go home to get some proper rest. The guy I danced with left my side to go get a drink in which he hasn't returned yet.

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