🥀Chapter Eight🥀

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"Did you see what the boss drove here this morning?", Akilah asked as we both cleaned the standing fridge together. I did see what the boss drove and I was puzzled because he didn't seem too rich and plus, this business is slow.

"I saw, wonder where he got the money from", I replied before going into the store room for the box juices and a few bottles of water.

"Must have borrowed it from the bank", she said before helping me to stock the fridge.

"I don't see why thou. I mean - if it was me I would continue driving the car I had, then I would borrow the money and expand my business. Perhaps add another storey and serve a variety of different meals, maybe even have a bakery too", I replied before giving her a small smile.

During my time working here, her personality was the top thing I admired about her. She was cool and easy to talk and that's a good thing. If persons spend more time smiling and being friendly to others they wouldn't be grumpy.

"Damn I love the way you think ; I wish the boss had brains like yours", she said before we laughed together.

"What's so funny?"

We both turned as I closed the fridge and saw a tall guy standing there with a pair of glasses pushed onto his forehead. He wore this sexy smile but I noticed he wasn't looking at me.

"Jeff, I didn't know you were back in New York", Akilah said before going around to his side and they started to chat. He ran his fingers across her lips and I turned to give them their privacy.

I went to the back to see Nolan and Erin cooking away. Cajito wasn't here today which I was kind of thankful for - he's just too grumpy.

"Vanessa guess what?", Erin said eyeing Nolan for a second before looking back at me. Something was off because Nolan wasn't the slightest happy and this was not necessarily him.


"Nolan is gonna be a daddy!", Erin replied as Nolan glared at him before leaving the kitchen. I didn't know what to say, I mean it has nothing to do with me.

"That's nice - but he doesn't look happy", I say before glancing at the clock on the wall. It was after ten in the morning and we haven't had one customer yet.

"He's not happy because he doesn't love the girl. You see, Nolan's a player and I told him uncountable times that he should stop. I just don't think it's right playing with girls hearts and now he has gotten one pregnant and her parents told him that if he doesn't marry to her and accept the child, they will take him to court".

I let it all sink in. This was a really sticky situation I suppose. Well, it was Nolan's problem and he has to decide what to do. I left the kitchen a few seconds later and went to sit on a stool. Akilah and the guy were nowhere in sight. I saw that she left her apron so she must have left the restaurant.

The bell rang signaling that someone had entered and I looked up only to be met with a pair of blue eyes that belonged to him. I was mighty suprised that he has even noticed this place ; rich people don't usually eat at locals.

He stopped in his tracks when his eyes met mine. I held his gaze giving him the same serious face that he was giving me. After sometime he placed his hands in his pocket and started walking around the place looking here and there.

I didn't think he wanted to actually eat anything. So you're telling me he only came in here to look around?. He sat by the window before meeting my eyes for the second time. I turned my head away signaling that he was not worth my attention and I looked outside instead.

I heard some shuffling before a strong smell perfume hit my nose that made me moan and closed my eyes. It was so intense. I opened my eyes and was met face to fave with him. He had sat on a stool right infront of me and started to challenge me again.

"Look, if you came here to just look into my eyes -

"You still haven't answered my questions from the party", he replied with a deep voice that actually made my skin catch goosebumps which shocked me to the limit.

His face was blank as he clasped his hands together on the counter infront of me.

"If I tell you what you need to hear will you leave me alone? Your presence is quite unbearable".

Maybe I shouldn't have said that but I was not taking it back. I still haven't forgotten what he did to my arm.

"Why wouldn't I want to not leave you alone? Your no one special and I don't know what you said to my mom or did to have her notice you. We don't mix and mingle with people like you -

"People like me?", I replied feeling a bit angry. I knew that Nolan and Erin was standing wondering what the hell was going on here but I didn't care, I still wanted to tell Mordechai my mind.

"First of all, I didn't blackmail your mom or anything of the sort ; she offered me a place to stay and I appreciate that. And for your information 'people like me' don't mix and mingle with people like you either because you think you're all that because you're rich and have it all!. You don't anything about me Mordechai and I would appreciate it if you stay away from me".

I left the stool and went to the bathroom before closing and locking the door. I sighed deeply before sliding down the wall and hugged my knees to my chest. I didn't know what I was feeling ; it was a mixture of too many emotions. I can't believe I just lashed out like that in front of everyone. What kind of person that makes me now?.


It was Akilah by the sound of the voice and I went to open the door. She was standing there looking worried but she had no reason to be. I was fine just a but shaken up that's all.

"Hey, he's gone", she said as I sighed in relief but I still had this uneasy feeling that something was not right. I pushed it to the back of my mind before leaving the bathroom and went to attend to a few customers who had just came in.


"Look, don't worry about anything ok?. Go home, get some rest and relax. If that guy comes to bother you again tomorrow we'll fight him together".

Akilah offered me a hug as I chuckled softly from her statement. I was suprise to hear her say that because she looked so innocent but then again, you can never be too sure with people.

"Ok bye", she said before going off the opposite direction of me. I started walking hoping I get a cab before night starts to fall. I reached the taxi stand before sitting down and looking around. The streets were always busy with people even late nights.


I looked up at the person beside me to see the same guy I was dancing with at the party. Just great. He seemed so happy and took off his jacket before sitting next to me.

"Vanessa, after you left without giving me your number I never thought I would see you again - seems like faith brought us together again, don't you think?", he said as I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. His eyes were fixated on my lips before I saw his tongue reached out and licked his bottom lip.

"It was only a coincidence", I say scooting a few inches away form him.

"Why are you trying so hard to resist the connection we have?".

Was he serious?. There was no connection between us. I saw a cab and got up before hailing it to stop it and I was thankful that it did. His hand grab mine before turning me to face him.

"I'll let you go this time Vanessa, but next time I won't until you allow me to take you out".

He released my hand and I walked away quickly before going into the cab. He had a smirk on his face as it drove off.

Why are so many guys going after me? It's New York for christ sake there's too many women here. Woman that are willing to give in and date easily. Why does Reid, Devin's brother and now Keith has their sights on me?.

Too bad I wasn't the one to give in - and I was going to show them how much I was not interested.


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