🥀Chapter Nine🥀

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"You're joking right?"

We all looked at the boss who's face was deadly serious. He shook his head no and that was when all of us sighed. I knew there was something off when he drove a new car to work that day.

"So what are we going to do?", Erin shouted feeling the most depressed because he needed the money for his little sister. The boss threw his hands up looking sad as ever but I didn't care. This was all his fault and now the restaurant will be closed down because of bankruptcy.

I felt kinda depressed also because finding another job could take weeks especially for a person who doesn't have a degree. I groaned before turning on my heel and leaving the place. Once outside I noticed that everyone else was leaving as the boss sat their with his head in his hands.

"This shit sucks", Erin said as we all nod in agreement. I felt for him because he has to take care of his little sister who was in a wheelchair. He had been taking care of her since their mom died and even thou person told him to give her up so that she could get proper care, he refused.

"Are we just gonna stand here or are we going to go somewhere?", Akilah said before glaring at the restaurant. I didn't entirely miss it as much as them because I've been working for weeks and they've been here for about a year or two.

I was about to say something when I noticed a few persons dressed in suits were examining the restaurant. It wasn't the fact that they had papers or that they were pointing all about, no. It was the fact that Mordechai was with them. He had his hands in his pocket as he listened to a woman who kept talking and talking ; can't expect better from business people anyways.

"I don't believe it", Akilah said as my eyes followed hers and landed on... Julia.

I was confused until I saw her go to the boss and sat down. I glanced back at Mordechai only to realize that he was staring at me the whole time. He wore a smirk but I just rolled my eyes and turned away.

"I know what this is ; I bet there will be a deal going on", she said peering in at the boss and Julia. I didn't know what was happening or why she was here. Or the fact that Mordechai had just smirked at me.

"We should go", Nolan said before they all followed him and walked away. Something was definitely wrong and I had to find out what. So I did the only thing that needed to he done, I went inside and went straight up to them.

"What is going on?", I asked crossing my arms and looking at the boss. He clasps his hands together before meeting my eyes.

"Julia and I made a deal. She will pay me a million dollars plus pay off all my bank debts and stuff. I'm sorry vanessa -

"You ain't sorry about shit. They have been working here for a very long time and you do this to them especially Erin who has a wheel chair bound sister!?, why just for money!?"., I say feeling the anger rolling off me. I can never understand these people sometimes like - have a heart.

"Vanessa, stop acting up. I'm sure if you were in his position you would do anything possible to get out. The restaurant will be turned into a company for my youngest son matteo".

I kept quiet as I looked at her. Money does talk doesn't it?. The boss lied to us.

"If you need a job I can also help you with that", she said as I shook my head no. I rather work as a janitor than work for someone insanely rich. I know I will get the best pay but I can't stand being around people who feels like god all the time.

"I don't need anything more from you, I'll find a job".

I walked away with mixed feelings. They were waiting for me with different expressions on their faces. Akilah gave me a hug which I accept before we all walked away. I glanced over my shoulder at him who was already looking at me.

I turned and decided to focus on the best things which is that I had life and it wasn't the end of the world. As they say, everything happens for a reason.


"I need advice guys".

We all stopped and looked at Nolan. We were at the park since we were now jobless human beings. We sat at a small table, me and Akilah one side and Nolan and Erin the other.

"I just, I don't know what to do. I don't want to go to court but I don't want to get married so young. Especially to someone I don't necessarily love", he said before placing his head in his hands. Erin patted his back and me and Akilah exchanged looks. I didn't know what to say, I had never given advice before.

"Look, the first thing you need to do is man up. I fully understand that you never loved her and that you never expected this but things happened for a reason ok? I'm sure that she loves you and wants to have your baby it's just the love connection isn't there for you. You're still young Nolan and raising a child can be difficult but what's done is done. All you can do is move forward and if you're not ready to get married just tell her parents. You can still be apart of her life".

By the time I was finished everyone was looking at me as if I had grown a third eye. I was supposed with myself too. I've never given advice before but it sound like I did pretty good.

"Vanessa, you're incredible", Nolan said reaching over and before I could blink, a kiss was place don my cheek. I didn't know how to react to that so I just told him no worries before he got up with his phone.

"Guys, I have to go", Erin said looking at his phone before getting up leaving in a hurry.

"What did the boss say?"

"He sold us out. He was offered money and the restaurant will be transformed into a company", I replied as she groaned before digging through her bag.

"I have to go also", she said looking at her phone. I saw that there were about ten missed calls.

"Ok I'll see you", I say as she hugged me and walked away. Now it was just me. I might as well leave too and go home. Nolan was still on his phone so I used sign language signalling that I was going away. Tomorrow I had to search for a job as early as possible.

I made my into a small bakery and started looking around. The interior was quite nice. I saw two things that I wanted: a chocolate cupcake and a sugar bun. Its been months since I had any of those.

"Hello, how may I help you?".

"A chocolate cupcake and a sugar bun please", I say as she smiled and took them from the glass case. I looked over my shoulder and the person my eyes caught, almost made me faint instantly.


He was here ; right in front of me. I shuffled through my purse and handed her the money before grabbing the brown paper bag and leaving the bakery. I made sure he didn't see me before going towards the cab stand. My body was shaking intensely. If he was in this part of New York so was Zed.

I stopped a cab and got in as quick as possible. I closed the door and wind up the windows. If romario had saw me he would've told Zed and then he would start searching for me.

This couldn't be happening especially right now that I had lost my job. This was too much to handle. I couldn't let them know I was here ; tomorrow I'll try to get a good job and earn enough money to buy a plane ticket.

And I had to be extra careful now.

If you're confused about the first part - the boss lied saying that the place will close down due to bankruptcy but it wasn't so. Julia offered him a deal for the place which he was refusing at first but gave in when she said she will pay off all his debts.

Hope it's more clearer.


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