🥀Chapter Ten🥀

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I woke up feeling like I had drink too much last night. I got up and ran a hand through my messy hair. Romario popped into my mind and I remembered that he was here. What's worse was that Zed is near too. I was mostly afraid of him finding out that I was around. If he does find me he will either kill me or threaten me to work for him again - and I didn't want that.

I left the bed and went to the bathroom to take a nice shower. It was still early which I was thankful for. My only hope today was to find a job and keep on the low. I hated the idea of hiding but I had no choice. I couldn't let them find me and take me, I stopped doing those jobs years ago and I wasn't going to start again. I wasn't that type of person anymore.

After leaving the shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and left the bathroom. I dressed into something causal but had a hint of professionalism within it. A dark button up blouse and a pair of Jeans. I combed my hair into a messy bun before taking up my jacket and leaving the room.

On my way downstairs I saw Devin's brother -Hans I think his name was - heading to the kitchen. Just great, I thought before going his direction as well. I went straight to the cupboard and took out a tin of milk porridge. I placed it in a pot before putting it to simmer for a few minutes.

"Good morning beautiful".

I turned around and looked at him. He had a smirk on his face as he looked my body up and down. I swear only some people in this world deserves eyes.

"Morning", I replied before turning off the stove and pouring my breakfast. I started eating but can't help but notice a pair of eyes on me. I looked up from my plate to see Hans watching me like a prey. That's it.

"Why don't you keep your eyes to yourself and stop watching me like you're about to pounce on me!?", I say a bit loudly so he can know how serious I was.

"It's a free world sweetie ; I can look at what I want and touch what I want. And when I look at you - you are what I want. Such nice skin and lips. Lips that could -

I didn't give him time to finish as I poured his glass of water all over him. I didn't even feel hungry anymore so I got up and left the kitchen. He was still in shock from what I did but I could care less. I hope he got my message that I wasn't and will never be interest in touching or even dating him.

I stopped a cab and got in as fast as I could. He drove off and I rest my head against the door. There were too many things on my mind that when they came together nothing makes sense. I closed my eyes and decided to focus on my future and the dreams I hoped of achieving.



I turned and saw Camille running up to me. She basically half stifled me with a hug before letting go. She was dressed casually in Jeans and a half top and a tiger print jacket.

"Where are you headed to?", she asked before looking into her bag.

"Planning on finding a job".

"Oh ,that's great. Anyways I have to go, gossip calls", she said before walking away. She needs to cut down on the amount of gossiping she has been doing. I mean, I've never met a single person who talks so much about other people's lives.

I shook my head before continuing to walk down the pavement. I passed many stores and different work places but none seemed to be hiring. I also had my eyes on the look out for any signs of people who seemed to work for Zed.

I entered a small gift shop and was immediately greeted by a girl wearing a bright green blouse and a black skirt. She smiled very brightly revealing all her tooth.

"Welcome to 'Gifts & Things' how may I help you?".

"Are you guys hiring?", I replied as she shook her head no.

"Not at the moments sorry", she say as her smile fade. Probably because I wasn't buying anything. Before I could turn and leave, my ears recognized a voice that gave me nightmares two years ago.


I stood still as he walked past me with two other guys and went to the counter. I stepped back slowly hoping he wouldn't turn around and see me. I was slapped in the face by hope when he glanced over his shoulder and his eyes met mine.

His fast twisted in confusion as he titled his head trying to figure out who I was. I turned and walked out as fast as possible. I started running when I looked behind me and saw him standing there knowing exactly who I was. He didn't chase me but I knew he was gonna try to find me one way or the other.

I stopped to catch my breath when I reached the park. I took off my jacket and looked around seeing if I was followed which I wasn't. I stood there for a few seconds with so much thoughts that my head started hurting. I couldn't end up back with him, I couldn't start working for him again - I couldn't give up on all that I've worked hard for.


I actually was about to run off again but didn't when I saw that it was only Julia...and Mordechai. She was in her car and I made my way up it. I acted natural not wanting to raise suspicion as to why I was sweating so much.

"Have you thought about what I said?", she said as I looked at her confused. Mordechai's eyes met mine and I held his gaze for a few seconds before looking back at Julia.

"I told you that I can help you with a job".

"Why? You already offered me a place to stay in which I don't know if you want anything in return - so why would you offer me a job now?", I say but she only half smiled.

"Get in, we'll talk about this", she said as I complied and entered the back of the car. After she drove off I relaxed in the seat feeling my headache getting worse by the second.

"So, here's the deal. You do something for me and I'll offer you a job in the company. You'll be paid in cash and by no time you will have enough money to leave the city as you said you wanted to do".

"What do I have to do?", I asked with a very serious tone.

"I need you to help my son strike a deal with a very wealthy man named Franco Osvaldo".

I didn't understand anything that I was hearing. Mordechai was quiet as his mom did all the talking. Why did they want ME to help strike a deal? Me of all persons. Something was definitely off and my walls came up giving me second thoughts about trusting people.

"Why did I chose you? Just know that I know things about you because I did research and I can tell you're the best person for the job".

Mordechai looked at his mother confusingly as I swallowed harshly. She knew about my past. I should've thought not to get involved with her from day one. She knows my secret now and when people have things on you, they can blackmail you with them. I felt anger, sadness and worst, betrayed for some reason.

"So, tomorrow you'll be picked up and brought to where the deal will be. Franco is a hard man to please and this deal is the deal of a lifetime. But as they say, every man has a weak spot and I'm sure you can find his".

Mordechai was too quiet. Why was I even noticing him when I had other things on my mind?. Not only does Julia knows my secret but now I have to help strike a deal and it has to go well. And zed was going to be after me too.

This was too much to take.

Way too much.


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