🥀Chapter Eleven🥀

146 22 3

Vanessa Collins

I groaned as I left my bed and went to open the door. My body felt overly tired and my knees felt wobbly. After unlocking it I saw Devin standing there with a large red box in his hand.

"Morning, you look like you've been partying all night", he joked as I rolled my eyes and ran a hand through my tangled hair. It's gonna take a while to get it back to it's original state.

"Julia sent this for you - she told me about the deal you guys made".

My mind went frozen for a few seconds before I regain my composure. I remembered that she knew about my past but apart of me hoped that she didn't tell anyone ; by the looks of it I don't think Mordechai knew about it.

But why should I care if persons knew about it? Because I will be hated and humiliated or mocked. I also remembered that Zed saw me. I was so thankful he didn't catch me or else I'm afraid to even think what would've happen if he did.

"What did she tell you exactly?", I asked seeming natural like it's just a random question.

"Nothing much... just that you are the best person for the deal to happen, dunno why but I guess she really admires you. Don't worry too much about Mordechai; I'm sure you guys will come up with something to blow Franco away", he replied before handing me the box.

I took it and he walked away. I closed the door and went to my bed thinking why didn't Julia tell him about my past? Didn't she fully trust him to let him in on everything? Even her own son. I bet she told them but they're only pretending. But why would they pretend?

I groaned and rubbed my temple. I needed to focus on today. Doing this was only important to me because I need the job so I can make cash fast and leave this place before Zed gets to me. Nowhere is too safe for me now, I have to be on the look out for anything and everything. I hated the life I chose those years ago but I had no choice. And what if lot of persons find out? Who are them to judge? I know I wasn't the first stripper in the world.

I pulled the bow from the box and opened it. I was greeted with a dress. But not just any dress ; a black, sleeveless dress made with expensive material from the feel it gave off. A pair of heels also came and some accessories that complimented the outfit.

I took up the dress and held it to my body as I looked in the mirror. I turned it on the other side and saw that the back was missing and held together by small diamond strings going horizontally. I wasn't feeling anxious about wearing the dress only the heels because I haven't worn a pair in ages.

I placed everything back in the box and went to take a shower. I didn't even have a clue as to when I was going to be picked up. I released a sigh before starting to scrub myself.

After a few minutes had passed I turned off the shower and left the bathroom. I found some clothes and put them on before leaving the room with a towel drying my hair. I had no idea how I should comb it but I guess a bun will have to do.

I went to the kitchen and saw Devin making breakfast and I sat around the table and watched him.

He was making pancakes by the looks of it and they were looking great. He turned and gave me a glance before putting some in a plate and hand it to me.

"Thanks", I say taking it and started eating. A few minutes later he sat down and started his own whilst drinking a cup of coffee which, by no doubt, has cream and sugar in it.

"Julia called, your escort will pick you up at twelve noon".

I nod before glancing at the clock and saw that it was only after nine. I still had time to get stuff together so that was a good thing. I decided to start a convo with Devin.

"So do you know this Franco guy?", I asked as he looked at me and nod.

"Yeah. I encountered him once before already and let me just say his looks can kill you on the spot. He can make you tremble beneath his gaze. I've never seen him smile and he was very hard to please".

I nod before continue eating. This was going to be tough but I couldn't let it get to my head. I wasn't intimated by rich people and I certainly wasn't going to fall beneath Franco's gaze.

"I'm leaving for a few days ; have some business to take care of", he said as I nod once more.

I was going to be here alone. Not that I wasn't use to being alone but the place was pretty boring and I don't want to risk going out. After I finished eating and I gathered the dishes and started to wash them.

"Have you ever, thought like, far into the future? I mean do you think about kids or marriage sometimes?".

I was thrown off by his question. I glanced over at him but he wasn't exactly looking at me. He was on his phone scrolling through and I went back to washing the dishes.

"No, why you ask?", I replied but he just shrugged without answering my question. I groaned slightly from irritation thinking we were going to start a convo. I have never thought about kids or even marriage. Those things weren't for me and while kids are fun, I still wasn't cut out to be a mom.

"I'm going to take a shower, remember twelve noon and don't be late", he said before leaving the kitchen.

After the dishes were done I went back to my room. It was only a little past ten so I was thinking of getting some rest. I saw my old phone on the small table beside me and took it up. No calls or messages ; wasn't surprising. I laid down and closed my eyes but I wasn't the slightest sleepy.


I got up and went to open the door once more. Devin was standing there with no shirt on and was only in his underwear. He had a body like Dwayne Johnson but I wasn't affected by it. I've seen a lot more naked chests in life than I could count. But I wasn't attracted to Devin so I would be confused if I started drooling.

"Change of plans, you'll be picked up the next hour. Julia called saying Franco had change the time because he has more important things to do after the meeting. He's annoying, I know".

I agreed with Devin before he strolled away and I locked the door. I took out the clothes and everything before laying them on the bed. I stripped down to my undergarments before sliding the dress unto my body. After adjusting it I looked in the mirror and wasn't surprised when it hugged every inch of my body and showed off my figure.

I put the heels on and stood up before walking back and forth. I was walking pretty decent in them. It was a meeting, basically all the time I will be sitting so no need to worry about falling. I didn't feel nervous about this anymore. This felt natural, maybe I would have a different feel if were actually doing it in the evening instead if this morning. It just seemed odd to me.

I placed the necklace around my neck and put the earrings in. My hair was the problem now. I used some water since I didn't have any hair products and catch it to the top. I wrapped it in a bun and was pleased to see it looking very neat. I was ready now and it was only eleven.

My phone started ringing which caught off me guard. It was a private number in which I didn't answer. I swallowed thickly when I got this gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. I pushed it away when my ears caught on to the sound of a car pulling up in the yard.

I guess that was my cue to go. I left the room and made my way downstairs to see a guy dressed in black standing there with his hands at his sides. I couldn't see his face clearly because of his glasses.

He turned and looked at me before smirking. I saw Devin at the top of the stairs with a towel around his waist as he gestured for me to go. The guy led the way and I followed him to the car.

I promise the next chapter will be more interesting.


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