「 𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜. 」

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I walked down the corridor searching for my teammates. My eyes stung in pain but I ignored it and kept moving. I heard fighting from one of the rooms and headed there. Both Boruto's and Code's Karma were activated as they fought each other with no mercy. Boruto looked mature and serious since the last time I saw him. He had a scar that went down his right eye and was wearing Sasuke's headband...wait...not only that. He had a cape similar too and held a sword. He's really taking after Sasuke by looks. Boruto glanced at me in surprise which gave Code an opening to strike him.
"You're strong," Code smirked, "But not strong enough," His claw was about to pierce his gut but I stopped his hand just in time as I saw Code scowl, "What's the meaning of this, Y/n?"
"Y/n..." I heard Boruto say behind me. I turned my head slightly towards him with my red eyes.
"I suggest you check on Sarada, Boruto."
"What did you do to her?" He glared.
"I don't know, that's for you to find out," I replied as he narrowed his eyes at me in anger.
"We're not done," Was the last thing he said before teleporting away. I looked back at Code.
"Call Eida, we're leaving." I showed him the scroll. I then continued in a serious tone, "Also, there are some things...we need to talk about."

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Sarada's Pov.

I felt someone lightly slap my cheek as I slowly opened my eyes.
"Sarada, get up." I heard them say.
"Boruto..." I caught his hand. My head rested on his shoulder as he wore a worried look.
"Did Y/n do this to you?" He asked.
"No- Boruto listen," I whispered.
"Y/n...showed me the truth." As those words left my mouth, Boruto's breath hitched.
"What...truth?" He asked like he was confirming something.
"My clan...how my uncle slaughtered the clan and-" A tear slipped my eye.
"Sarada now is not the time." He grabbed my hand and helped me up.
"She showed me everything- How? how does she know so much? While I am part of the clan and knew nothing about it?! Why did Papa tell her and not me?" Boruto kept quiet.
"Let's get out of here..." He pursed his lips before turning around. Wait... I caught his arm before he got out of reach. Strands of my hair covered my face as I gripped his hand tighter.
"You know too...don't you?" I looked up and stared into his eyes, "Answer me when I'm talking to you, Boruto." I repeated but with a much harsher tone.
"I do know." He replied, matching my tone. My eyes widened as I let go of his hand. I scoffed in disbelief. I'm feeling a lot of emotions at once.
I got my hand up and wiped my tears before walking away from him.

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I wrapped Mitsuki's arm around my back as I helped him get up. He coughed up so blood as his blue aura died down.
"You overdid it." Boruto said, staring at the state of Mitsuki, "Don't be reckless next time." He turned around to leave. Mitsuki scowled and opened his mouth to say something but more blood came out.
"Mitsuki, don't move, you'll make it worse," I replied as we followed Boruto.

He opened the portal as we jumped in. On the other side, Papa, Mama and Nanadaime were waiting for us. Mama quickly took Mitsuki to heal him up. Now it was just Boruto, Papa, Nanadaime and I.
"Looks like you got in a serious fight, to the point Mitsuki had to use his Sage mode." Nanadaime frowned.
"We fought separately," Boruto said as he handed Hokage-sama scroll, "I fought Code, Mitsuki fought Eida and Sarada fought Y/n." They looked surprised at the mention of Y/n's name.
"We found her after all this time, huh?" Nanadaime said.
"Y/n and I...didn't exactly fight," I spoke up and looked down.
"What do you mean?" Papa asked.
"I'm leaving." Boruto interrupted, "And I suggest you come too, Dad." Nanadaime gave him a confused look.
"Wait, Boru-" Boruto got his hand up and punched Nanadaime in the stomach. Boruto what the- it turned out to be a shadow clone. He then teleported away.
"Why did Boruto do that?" Papa asked me.
"We need to talk, Papa."

𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭. | 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚄𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚑𝚊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now