🥀Chapter Twelve🥀

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The car came to a halt and the door was then opened for me. I exited and examined the tall building before me and then looking straight ahead. The first thing I noticed was the place was highly guarded and I didn't have to ask to know why.

"Follow me", the guy who drove me here said as I followed him up the stairs and into the building. As I stepped in, I continued following after him ignoring the stares from the persons who work here. Especially the men who's eyes were on my lower half.

My heels clicked on the floor as we walked towards the elevator. I'm glad we didn't have to take any stairs. We went inside and the door closed as he pressed the button that led to the top floor. He started to straighten his tie before releasing it and placing his hands in his pocket.

"Here's something you need to know ; Franco is a well stern guy and he doesn't tolerate rudeness. Remember this deal is, well, basically your mission. If it goes well, which it must, Julia will be pleased and I'm sure you'd want that".

Our eyes met as he spoke and then I felt a sort feeling washed over me. What was exactly my job? I had no clear clue but Julia said it was because I was an ex stripper. I started thinking about this more and realised that I don't have any purpose in this meeting. Was I suppose to try and persuade Franco with my body? I shivered from the thought but from what I've heard he's hard to please and how will my body break him?

"Don't overthink it, I'm sure you can persuade him, one way or the other".

I glanced at him but before I could ask what he was talking about the elevator came to a stop and the door opened. Did he know about my past as well? Damn I wonder how fast it was spreading and it's clear that if he did know, Julia must have told him. It's so funny how people have so much power when they know the truth about you.

I pushed everything to the back of my mind to debate on later as I stood and watched as the guy opened the door and gestured for me to get in. I didn't want to. My body felt weary and it felt like my head was spinning. He closed it instantly and put me to sit in a chair. I didn't know what was going on with me.

"Hey, hey are you alright? Look, you don't have to be overthinking. He doesn't bite ok and if he does bite you, that's a good thing", the guy said as he caressed my knee.

We heard the door opened and I looked up and saw Mordechai standing there with a typical blank expression. He looked at the hand on my knee which I clearly forgot about.

"She'll be fine, you can take it from here", the guy said before getting up and walking away. I stood up feeling a few of my hairs out of place. Just great.

"Aren't you suppose to be joining in the meeting, not flirting with a bodyguard?".

I wanted to pretend like he wasn't talking to me but I was the only one here.

Did he just say flirt?.

"I wasn't flirting with anyone, ok and even if I was, it's none of your business", I replied savagely before crossing my arms around myself and ignoring his eyes. When I turned around I noticed how close he was to me and I stepped back but he continued until my back hit something.

"Listen, the only reason you're here is because my mom said you should be for whatever reason so aside from that you have no purpose. Now I don't like to be challenged and Franco is inside waiting for us so do your job - whatever is it that my mom hopes you'll do".

He eased away and walked back into the room. I loathed him with a passion. I straightened myself up before entering the room after him. I felt all eyes on me as I entered and the air got somewhat heavier. There were four guards standing on each side of the room and on the opposite side of Mordechai, there he was.

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