🥀Chapter Thirteen🥀

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After leaving the building, I noticed that Julia was here and she was talking to Mordechai. I also noticed Matteo and he was wearing a super bright green shirt and a pair of Jeans. He sure as heck loves his colours...

I walked up to them as they stopped talking and Julia looked at me. Since I was so close to her I realized that she had a full makeup on, not really sure why perhaps she was going somewhere but, it was none of my business. And even if she was going somewhere ; it was inevitable because she was a business woman.

"The meeting went well ; It seems as if Franco has taken an interest in you if he actually wants to have dinner with you. But anyways, follow me to the car", Julia said as I walked past Mordechai who hasn't spared me a glance. I followed her to the car and she opened it and took out some papers and handed them to me.

"Here's the contract to sign but before you sign you should know, when you do have dinner with Franco, you must give him anything he wants. And next thing you will be my assistant but when am not around, Mordechai will be your boss. I will also be transferring some money to your account as a start. The contract last for up to three months. By then you'll have enough money to leave the city and it will be like we never met".

I sighed in my head as I felt a type of weight on mind. I was grateful for the job offer but I am not sure if I should go through with it. Who am I kidding, I've already gone too deep seeing that I have to go out with Franco and perhaps sleep with him. And I didn't want Mordechai to be a boss of me, especially with my hate towards him.

My mind wandered to Zed and I realised I had no choice but to sign the contract. But it was three months long!. Three months of earning money but also keeping on the look out for the one man who is probably searching for me already. But it was too late to turn back now.

"I'll sign the contract but can I ask you something?", I replied as she nod before offering me a pen.

"Did you tell anyone about my past?".

"No I didn't. I'm sure you don't want it spreading all around even thou no one can judge because, obviously, you're not the first person to do that type of work and definitely won't be the last. Besides, everyone has a story as to why they do the things they do".

I actually half smiled as I agreed and signed the papers.

"Great, you will start working on mondays I think you know where the building is and do dress appropriately. I'll see you", she said as I nod and she got in the car. Her sons followed after and then I watch as it drove away.

"Are you ready to go back home now?".

I turned to the guard who escorted me here. To be honest he didn't seem much of a bodyguard to me. Just a guy dressed in a black suit who has a duty. I nod and he pointed to the car. After entering he started it and drove off.

"My name is Colton by the way".

He glanced at me and smirked as he turned around. I had too much on my mind; feeling as if it wants to explode. Sometimes I ask myself what would've been the outcome if I didn't met Zed and did that type of work. Well for starters I wouldn't be feeling so much regret and pain that will never leave. My past will haunt me until the day I die.

"So, let's play a game. You can ask me a question and I'll answer, then vice versa. How about that?".

I wasn't in the mood to talk. I had things to worry and think about.

"Why are you so friendly? Aren't guards suppose to be all serious and rough?", I asked raising an eye at him but he only grinned.

"Well, am not like most guards. Plus being serious doesn't fit my personality. I'm a fun, easy going person but to tell you the truth I can be rough sometimes", he replied before winking at me.

He was definitely flirting with me and I wasn't buying it. I hope he notices that I wasn't interested before I say something to shut him up. There's nothing wrong with a guard being nice but there's a hint of professionalism that must be maintained.

"I'm not interested".

"Not all men are wicked you know. There's some really nice guys on this earth who is willing to settle down and get married and have many kids".

I kept silent as he rant on because I had nothing to say. All I knew was that I wasn't the one who will be settling down with him and having his kids.

"We can just be friends you know ; maybe go out and have a drink -

"Could you just stop please. I'm not interested in dating and if was you would have to wait in line".

He kept quiet after that which I was thankful for. After a few more minutes I finally reached home. I took off my shoes as the door opened and I stepped out. My feet felt sore and will definitely need a soak. I just continued walking without looking back at Colton.

The door was locked and I remembered that Devin wasn't here. I took the key from under the mat and opened it. I locked the door before making my way upstairs to my room. The first thing I did was took off the dress. I felt a relief as my body felt like it could breathe again.

I searched through my drawers for some clothes and found a shorts and a navy blue blouse. I was starving and I rubbed my tummy as I left the room to go downstairs. I went to the kitchen and was about to open the fridge when I noticed a piece of paper stuck on it

I took it off and saw that Devin has written his number on it. I put it back so I won't lose it before opening the fridge and taking out a bowl with some overnight fried rice in it.

I placed it in the microwave to heat up before sitting around the table. I was about to take up a magazine that was in the centre when suddenly there was a knock on door.

I had a mixture of different feelings including fear because it could be anyone. Even Zed. I left the kitchen and went to the door slowly. I wish there was a peep hole I could see through but unfortunately there wasn't any.

I unlocked the door and opened it slowly before coming face to face with a woman who was dressed as if the place was snowing. It had me confused to be honest.

"Hello, is Devin here?", she said as she tried to peer over my shoulder.

"Who are you?", I asked stepping out and pulling up the door in the process. It probably wasn't my business but she could be anyone and I wasn't going to tell her about Devin until I know who she was.

"I'm Yolanda and I really need to see him. He knows me you can just tell him my name and you'll see for yourself. By the way are you guys... together?".

"No we're not and I'm sorry but he isn't here and he won't be back for now", I replied as her face fell and she sighed.

"Ok, thank you".

She turned and walked off to the direction of a grey van. I went back inside and locked the door. I went to the kitchen and took my rice from the microwave. I sat down and started eating.

The place will be dark soon and I was the only one here. Am not afraid to be alone but I just don't really trust being here by myself in this huge, luxurious house. But this neighbourhood wasn't exactly full of people so, I'm sure everything will be fine.

Well, until I start working monday. I was going to be around Mordechai very often and I can't stand his presence. But it's all about working ; he wasn't important. Well technically he is but I don't necessarily care. As long as I do my job I will be fine.


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